She opened her mouth slightly, causing the spirits to rush back into her body. She heard small grunts and groaning from the man in front of her, causing her to look up. She saw the man with a hand on his head. "What happened?" He asked, his eyes shut tightly. When he opened his eyes he saw Y/n with tears in her eyes. "Miss what's wrong? What happened?" He asked, worryingly. Y/n wiped the tears away from her face and nodded, getting up off the floor. The man helped her up but she avoided contact. "I'm fine. Thank you." She said softly and the man nodded, walking away.

Y/n looked back up at the sky seeing the dark clouds gloomier than ever. 'Just you and me kid.'


Y/n's POV

I stared at the ceiling, gripping my throat. I couldn't believe it happened again. Soul got the better of me, completely taking over. I closed my eyes, trying to find a happy thought. I hummed a simple tune I can remember since I was little. I began tearing up, making my voice break as I hummed the tune. I sat up trying not to cry once again. "No. No crying. Not today." I said, as I wiped away a single tear from my eye. All I can do is move on with my life. I've grown used to it over the years. My phone buzzed as I released a sigh. I looked over to it, wondering who texted me. Mina was texting the group chat repeatedly freaking about something. I looked at the time and decided to get ready.

I wonder how am I going to tell Shinso about my quirk. Surely he might ask and I'm not sure if I should lie about it since he might ask me to show him. I looked down at my left hand and balled it to a fist. I left out a sigh and got ready. Some simple black shorts, T-shirt and my checkered vans will work fine. I brushed my hair and also brushed my teeth. I looked around my room to find some money I can use to pay for the both of us. I shoved my phone and money in my pockets, grabbed my keys and walked out the door.

I walked toward the arcade, seeing a couple of people here and there. I looked around trying to see if I could find Shinso but no luck. You can never forget his beautiful purple hair. I entered the arcade still looking for Shinso. I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back. I stood next to Shinso, who was giving a small smile. "Hello, Y/n." He said, calmly. I smiled back and him, "Hey Shinso."

He took my hand and lead me towards the back of the arcade where the air hockey table was at. Seemed like there was a competition or something going on since there were so many people crowded around the table. Shinso groaned and looked at me but i smiled. "Want to go anywhere else?" I asked and he thought for a second. He came close to me, put an arm around me and pushed through the people. We stood outside for a couple of second when his face lit up. "I know a perfect place." He said giving me a sweet smile. His smile will always be a sign of hope for me. Its always a pleasure to see that smile.


We walked down a couple of streets, turned a couple corners but it never felt like a long walk. Shinso is such an interesting and intelligent guy. The topics he brought up and his opinion towards cats was the cutest thing ever. "Anyways, we're here!" He stated, looking up at the building.

"I know it's not the best place in the world beside the arcade, but trust me." He said, taking my hand into his. I nodded and he smiled widely. He opened the front door of the building and we began going up the stairs. Shortly after there was another door, when he opened it I saw the roof of the building along with the beautiful sunset. Im in complete awe by the scenery displayed in front of me. Shinso walked over to the box and pulled out a blanket, laying in the floor for us to sit. He gestured me to sit so I did. He sat next to me and smiled towards me.

"This place is amazing." I said, scanning the place.

"It sure is. I always come up here when I just want to take a break from the world. So basically like every day." He chuckled and I giggled.

"Tell me about yourself Shinso." I said and he looked at the sunset.

"Well, my full name is Hitoshi Shinso and I absolutely love cats." He jokes and i chuckled. "I've been placed in the General Department so thats something." He said, sounding a bit dull and a bit angry. I got to say I'm surprised that he said that. A guy like him doesn't seem to be part of the general department. "Mind showing me your quirk?" I asked a bit quietly and he nodded. He got up and walked towards the edge of the building. I walked over to him, nervous to find out what he was going to do.

There were a couple people walking by and none seem to be or out of the ordinary. A couple walked by but immediately stopped. The turned and looked up at us. The turned to each other and held hands skipping around like little kids. I chuckled a bit and looked over to Shinso who had pure smile painted across his lips. "Amazing. Almost similar." I said quietly. I looked down at the people and they were looking around for a couple of minutes and looked at each other, like if they were asking what the hell just happened to them.

"My quirk is Brainwashing." He said, taking a seat on the edge of the building. I sat down next to him making sure there was no gap between us. "How in the hell did you not make it in? Why were you placed in the general department?" I was really confused. His quirk is so helpful and it can be used to defeat villains. "I plan to make a come back. I will make a come back." He said looking off to the sunset. I looked at him, feeling so connected to him. I looked at his lips and turned away. "I support and believe i you Shinso. I know you can do it." He turned to me with a soft smile.

"Thank you Y/n. That means a lot coming from you." He said as he placed his hand on mine.

"Now, what's your quirk?" He asked and i felt my stomach drop. Oh no. I looked away nervously, hoping he would asked a different question. No,
Im not going to hide it from him. He takes pride in his quirk. Now its my turn. "Possession." I simply said and his head tilted a bit. "I can show you if you'd like." I asked and he nodded.

"I would love that to be honest." He chuckled. I smiled and closed my eyes. I let out a sigh and held out my left hand my fingers point straight out. I opened my eyes again looking down at the people as my fingers turned black. I opened my mouth a bit to release only two spirits, shutting mouth back up. They scurried around and chose a different couple that Shinso chose. They stood still before i started to move them around. I made the guy place a hand one the girl's cheek and kiss her softly. He pulled away and the girl hugged him tightly. They held each other's hand and looked at each other. I put my arm down and opened my mouth. The spirits came out of their bodies and came back into mine.

I looked over to Shinso and his eyes were wide. I felt nervous for a bit and I have a nervous laugh. "That was amazing!" His face lit up and hugged me tightly.

"Your quirk is so unique! I love your quirk." He said holding my left hand and giving it a squeeze. I intertwined my fingers with his. I felt my eyes tear up a bit as I heard him say that. My heart couldn't take it. I've never had somebody say they are in love with my quirk. I felt my cheeks burn slightly and I looked at him. "I like you, Y/n." My heart began beating fast and the butterflies began fluttering around in my stomach. "I like you too Shinso." I said and he gave a sweet smile. He placed his other hand on my cheek and slowly pulled me close.

I closed my eyes and I felt his soft lips on mine. We kissed for a couple of more minutes until i pulled away. "Y/n, i like you so much. I've been feeling this connection between you and me and I can't ignore it. My feelings are strong for you. Nothing will make me happier if you would be my girlfriend." He said as he looked deeply into my eyes. I looked into his purple ones and I gave him a small peck. "Call me yours."


Okay holy shit. Shinso is back!!! Im so happy at the moment. I decided to make this chapter really long to commemorate our beautiful boy's comeback. He will always have a special place in my heart. The picture I put is his moment in the manga and I can't help but scream a bit when I see it. He's a beautiful tired angel and I love him sm. Okay I'm done.

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