Negatives | Abara Hanbee

Start from the beginning

"What did they do?"

"They were feeding me scraps of human meat. And it tasted okay."

Suzuya stayed silent. He simply eyed you down, as if trying to figure out just what was wrong with you, and you knew he figured it out.

"Did you tell the doctors here?" He finally asked, although his voice was a lot more serious and monotone.

You simply shook your head, ashamed. "Do I need to? As soon as you tell the CCG, I'm as good as dead. I can't eat human food anymore, and I can't walk around with an IV forever. Hell, I heard nurses say the IV isn't even working that well now." You finally turned your head to the raven haired boy. "I'm a ghoul, Suzuya. There's no other explanation for it."

The male simply stood up, before smiling. "Thanks for the information, (Y/N)! It was greatly appreciated, and don't worry, we'll take care of you!" With that, he turned to leave before you called out his name, causing the investigator to stop in his tracks.

"Could you ask Hanbee again if he could swing by? I asked Sasaki and Mado to do the same, but he never even showed his face here. Tell him I really miss him." You said, desperation obvious in your voice.

Juuzou turned to you with a bright smile, one that was supposed to tell you everything's going to be alright, but you had seen so many of those that you could read through them. It was more of an 'I'm sorry' smile.

"You know I will!" With that, the man walked away, leaving you all alone once again with your awful thoughts.

Why didn't Hanbee visit you? Was he ashamed of you? Of himself? Was he scared of you? Did he think you'd hate him or something?

So many thoughts raced through your mind on the matter, yet the only ones you thought were plausible were the negative ones.

Maybe he didn't want to be with you anymore due to the events that had occurred. It would make sense if he would be looking for someone stronger, who could look out for themselves instead of having someone that needed saving 24/7.

It didn't help that with the state you were in now, you were far from looking attractive. Was that why he wasn't visiting you? Because he wanted to break up but was too scared to do it? Was it something else? Were you just overreacting?

At some point, you had to stop questioning it because of a headache that soon came to you. You'd have to figure it out when you'd leave the hospital, and that wouldn't be for a good few months, at least.

You sighed, before averting your attention to the bad soap opera which you soon noticed sounded a bit like how your life was going right now.


"(Y/N) wants you to visit by the way, Hanbee." Juuzou nonchalantly said as he settled back down at his desk.

"Yeah, Sasaki and Mado keep telling him too." Mizurou said, giving Hanbee a judgemental look. "Are you that scared of confrontation? One day you're all over them and I can barely pull you off the poor thing and now you don't want to be within a ten kilometres radius of them. You're not helping their condition with this, you know."

"They might think you hate them or something." Nakarai added, nodding at Tamaki's words.

"But I can't  show my face in front of them!" Hanbee exclaimed. "I failed to protect them and you expect me to act as if my cowardice didn't just nearly cost them their life?"

"And their humanity." Juuzou added, causing his whole squad to turn towards him.

"What..?" The tall man asked nervously.

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