Chapter 1

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I was in Arts, my phone started to vibrate on my thigh. I sighed and whipped it out, My school allows phones and texting if you had handed in your work. I typed my password into it, watched as it went to my inbox. I seen a unknown number and blinked. I clicked it and smiled at what i saw.


HAZZAAAAAAAA! It's Louis! I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the beach on Friday? They are having a... bonfire? Yeah, Bonfire for the teachers. I'm allowed to bring someone! xx

I laughed at the message, before i pushed the 'reply' button.


Of course, Boo! I'll go with you! See what i did there. (; But seriously, I'll go with you, Baby! xx

Me and Louis aren't dating yet, but we are onto our 10th date. Actually last week, He showed up with a huge teddy bear and a bunch of muliti-colored roses and sang me 'happy birthday' in front of the class. Everyone was over the moon from his antics. I just sat there, jaw gaping and blushing like a retard, the teacher had to be woken up because she fainted. He stayed with me all day after that. It was in first period too.

~Flash Back~

"Happy Birthday, Hazza!

Happy Birthday to you!" Louis sang in his beautiful velvet voice, i sat there and gaped like a retard. He walked up to me, leaned on the desk and kissed my cheek. Before handing me the teddy bear and roses. I smiled up at him, then stood up and kissed him softly while i pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Boo bear.." I whispered, he smiled and hugged back, Face buried in my neck.

"Anything for my baby boy." He smiled cheekily and i realized how loud he said that. Girls behind us squealed and started to fan themselves. I just laughed and sat down. He pulled a chair up and sat beside me. The teachers didn't mind, they knew i had no one else, so they left me and Louis alone.

"Anything for my baby boy.." He whispered into my ear when i leaned on him. I smiled and nuzzled closer.

~End of flashback~

"HARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY!" I screamed and jumped, looking up into bright blue eyes. I grinned and pushed the kid away from me. His bleached blond hair, bright blue eyes, crooked tooth grin and naturally pink cheeks. I grinned.

"Whats up, Niall?" I stood, noticing the students leaving and threw my bag over my shoulder. Niall did the same as we walked out of my Arts class. It was the end of the day and i made my way to the front of the school. I seen a crowd at the parking lot and curiosity got the best of me. I made my way to the crowd, and seen the most beautifulest blue eyes. I looked and Niall and he broke out into a grin.

"Lou!" He launched himself at Louis, Louis laughed and caught the male. A blonde girl, by the name of Mackenzie, huffed and tried, and failed epicly, to flirt with Louis. Mackenzie was the whore of the school, shagged anyone who came close. She bleached her hair, wore to much eye make-up for a girl as white as she was, and wore all the wrong clothes. She was not at all skinny, but i wasn't gonna call her fat. I watched as she trailed a finger down Louis's bicep and i snapped.

I pushed the people away from me, watched over to Louis and kissed him. Hard on the mouth. He chuckled and kissed back, arms snaking around my waist and pulling me flush against him. I smirked when i heard Mackenzie gasp. Louis pulled back, eyes unfocused.

"Oh yeah, I'm gay, luv." Mackenzie stomped her foot in annoyance and walked away. I scoffed and kissed Louis again. Niall made a gagging noise and i pulled away, moving and hoisting myself up on the roof of his car.

Feel so closeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ