Sandwich Shops & Hatred

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"Good Morning!" Wesley knocked on my hotel room door the next morning after I had just finished putting my converse on and rolling up my jeans. I said good morning back and he laid down on my bed and watched me adjust my earrings in the mirror. He had a loose tank top on and black shorts. His brown hair was a little longer than pictures that I had seen before we left for tour but it wasn't long enough to block his eyes. His eyes were staring at me in such an adorable way that when I turned from looking at him to myself I saw I was red. I had finished fixing my earrings and walked closer to him. Wes continued to lay on the bed as I sat by him. "You have an amazing voice." He said to me and he kept the same look as before.

"You aren't so bad yourself!" I chuckled and waited for his response.

"We should do something today. Before the show and sound check and all that stuff."

"Wes, I don't even know what state we are in. What are we going to do if we doing know where we are?" He laughed at my comment and got up from the bed. I watched and looked up at him as he stared down at me. He scooped up my hand that was rested beside me and led me closer to the door.

"Oh, one more thing." He turned and threw his phone on the bed and it landed right next to mine. He smiled and continued to walk out "I don't want any distractions. We can just walk a few streets until we find some food." Wes kept me hand in hand until we got outside and fans were waiting. Wes didn't drop my hand, I dropped his. He gave me a weird look and I returned with another look that said 'i will explain later.' He nodded his head and went to take pictures with the group of girls that were waiting. Three girls came up and recognized me. I took pictures with them and signed their shirts. After 10 minutes, Wesley and I were walking away from the girls and had followed the directions a local gave us for a good sandwich shop that wasn't too far.

"So, no one is around, can I hold your hand again?" Wesley smiled and reached for my hand. I pushed my hand on the side of my leg and left it there so it was harder to get at. Wes had a puppy dog face on and I stuck my hand out and he took it. We walked close together before we arrived at the sandwich shop that was suggested. Wes and I ordered and sat down at a table away from anyone else.

"Why did you want to become a singer?" He asked out of no where.

"When you go into high school the big question is, 'where are you going to work after high school?' and 'what are you going to study in college?' I didn't have an answer to either question. One day, I sat down at my desk and took out a piece of paper and listed things that I want to be and things that I don't want to be. After nearly two hours of sitting and staring at this paper I had a hundred jobs listed that I don't want to be and only one thing that I wanted to be was listed. M-U-S-I-C was what I stared down at and I didn't know why. I had pretty bad stage fright and only sang in my room so I didn't even know if I was good or not. I learned some songs on the piano and guitar and ended up putting a video on YouTube just to see if I could get a response. Good or bad, I didn't care. I just wanted to see if anyone could tell me if I was good or not. I got a good response and right out of high school I started writing my album and here I am..." I finally finished and Wes and I began to eat out sandwiches.

"I would have assumed you wanted to be a singer since you were a baby. Normally that's the story I get when I ask that question. I like your answer better. More of a story in there."

"I'm assuming that the 'since you were a baby' thing is also your story." He gave a chuckle and nodded. "Was that always the cool thing or did you have a hard time getting people to believe your dream could be a reality?" I continued.

"It was cool with kids my age once we got to high school because I would always throw parties and my band would play and the parties were always really cool. It was hard for a few adults but I believed it was going to be a reality so it really didn't matter what other people thought of it." He finished and I saw why so many girls looked up to him. His attitude was always positive. It's easier to focus on only bad but he pushed through and sees the good things.

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