As all this had happened, Sirius and James came closer to Lupin, they had taken off the invisibly cloak when Sirius said;


The tiny boy in front of them got the biggest jump scare ever, he tried to turn around quick, but fell in the ink. They both looked furious at Lupin.

"Did you hurt your head Loopy? Cause I think you lost your memory, pretty sure me and James told you not to mess with us!" Sirius said angrily. Lupin stared at them with wide eyes.

"I bet, with those big robes he would fall sooner or later." James teased, Sirius grinned. It was true, his robes were definitely second-hand and a few sizes too big.

Lupin breathed loudly as he continued to stare at them.

"What's the matter? Scared without your little petty friend?" Sirius teased.

"You suppose he begged the hat to put him in Gryffindor?" James asked Sirius, "he doesn't seem very brave to me" they both laughed.

Lupin was breathing even more loudly now, it was as if he didn't even register what they were saying. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Aw, are you crying little Loopy?" James said, with fake concern in his voice, it made Sirius laugh. Lupin was weak for crying, for showing emotion.

Sirius wanted a reaction from Lupin, "Let's see what we have here" he picked one of Lupin's books up, it was completely ruined by the ink.

He got the reaction he had wanted. Lupin yelled "I'TS MINE!" and raised from the ground. Sirius dropped the book on the ground. Lupin fumbled with his wand, at the time he had raised it both Sirius and James had theirs raised and pointed them at Lupin. The tiny boy didn't know who to point on, he kept moving it between them.

"You know you can't do it Lupin" Sirius said seriously. It amused him to have power over someone else. "Now drop your wand, or we'll shoot."

Lupin considered, he knew he couldn't beat the two of them, slowly he put the wand in his pocket and raised his hands in defeat. For a guy who was being over rumbled, he took it pretty cool.

James and Sirius lowered their wands, they didn't know what to do know.

"Come Sirius we'll be late for Astronomy" James said casually to Sirius, "If you turn us in again it's going to be worse for yourself Loopy" he added angrily to Lupin. Sirius just wanted to do one last thing, so he pushed Lupin, so he fell down again, they walked away.

Sirius was taught Astronomy at home, only because Hogwarts taught it, he had to be at top of every class. His parents thought that it was silly, didn't make much sense though, everyone in the Black family was named after stars. However, this was definitely one of his favorite subjects, it was an excuse for looking at the stars.

On their first day they were just observing the sky, Sirius fell in talk with Professor Sinistra. She had just began working here and was just as interested in stars as Sirius was. She found it amusing that Sirius was named after the brightest star on the night sky, and he was the student who knew most about astronomy.

At home Sirius had studied astronomy after his classes. So, he knew practically about all the stars there was.

"Is that also something you learned from home?" James asked while Sirius was naming the stars for him.

"No, not really. A little bit yes, but I mostly did it as extra, I really love the stars." He said dreamingly and looked at the sky again. He hadn't actually been seeing them since he had been at Grummauld. "My whole family is named after stars." James did a face as he usually did when they talked about his family, but Sirius didn't notice, he was looking at the stars.

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