Afternoon mischief

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            When I woke up it was one o' clock in the afternoon. I got out of bed and went in the bathroom to wash my face and do my business. When I came out I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it I was greeted by Sally face. "Hey y/n, I came up here to ask if you wanted to hang out", "yeah, let me get dressed and I'll meet you out in the hall". I closed the door and went back in the room to change. I just put on the same clothes from earlier and went into the hall. "So..what mischief you planning to get into today?",Sal had a tendency to roam around the building looking for spirits. And he told me about Megan, the ghost that apparently is on the fifth floor. I do think ghosts exist but I'm not too eager to encounter one. "Nothing really, I might go see Megan later if you want to join me you can" Sally face replied. "Naw, I'll pass I don't need the thought of this building really being haunted". We got on the elevator and went down into the basement. We went into Larry's room he was all the way in the back by his radio."Hey Larry face" Sally face greeted "Hey Sally face" Larry glanced at me. "I see you managed to drag y/n out of her apartment" "I was asleep so don't even try it" I said with a slight smirk. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat  on the bean bag behind him. We just hung out and listened to Sanity Fall. Larry loves that band, I'm not too into it but I'll listen to it. Soon Sally face had leave so we said our goodbyes and he left. It was just me and Larry now... anything could happen . . No...I'm going to keep it clean for now.

           "What are you blushing about?", Larry's comment snapped me out of my trance. "N-nothing, I wasn't blushing" "Yeah you were" "whatever Larry"  I huffed. He pulled me closer to him "How come you were asleep so long?" " I couldn't sleep last night and when I did it was early in the morning"."Is your mom still home?" "No, why?", I asked looking up at him. " I just thought we could go to your apartment, I've only been up there once". This was true I always came down in the basement if I wanted to spend time with Larry. Not that I didn't want him around, I didn't want to risk my mom coming home early and find out someone other than me is in the house let alone a boy. She doesn't allow me to bring anyone home, she thinks everyone is a thief. But she was at work and she comes home really early in the morning so what's the worst that can happen?. "Sure let's go then" Larry and I headed back to my apartment. As soon as we got in the apartment Larry sat on the couch I went in my room to change clothes. I was just going to put my pajamas back on. I was pulling up my shorts when Larry burst in my room. "Hey y-" he stopped mid sentence and just stared. I quickly pulled up my shorts."What?" I asked slightly embarrassed. Even though we've been dating Larry never seen me in anything but my outdoor clothes. Even if he's feeling me up, he still hasn't seen much of my body. He didn't say anything but instead came in my room and sat on my bed. "I've always wondered what your room looked like". My room was pretty simple I didn't have any cool posters like Larry, but instead art projects I did back in middle school and from the art class I have now. I also had a TV mostly for video games and occasional movies. "Thanks-but what did you want?" I asked him still a little embarrassed he caught me in the midst of changing clothes. "I wanted to known where you kept your TV remote, but since have you have a TV in here it doesn't matter". "You wanna watch a movie then? or play videogames?" I asked him."We can watch a movie" Larry replied now rummaging through my videogames. I left the room to get a movie.

            I was browsing the shelf we kept movies for two minutes I decided on one of the Friday the 13th horror movies. I don't do well with horror but Jason didn't scare me besides, it was three the afternoon and I had Larry with me. When I came back to my room with the movie I froze. Larry had my journal and was reading it, I always leave on the last thing I wrote so in a panic I ran over and grabbed it. Then I tackled him. " How much did you read?!?", "Whoa calm down babe I just picked it up" I looked at him trying to read if he was lying. I got off of him. "You swear you didn't read anything?" I asked still uncertain he was telling the truth Larry put his hands up "I swear". Fine then. " I found Friday the 13th wanna watch it?" "Only if you can handle it" Larry smirked, he knows I can't handle horror sometimes. Last time we watched a horror movie I couldn't sleep for a week. I put the movie in and crawled next to Larry. "Hey y/n" "Yeah?" " What exactly do you write in that journal?", "Just my thoughts,why?" "just asking". We just watched the movie and cuddled after that. Everything was fine until my phone started ringing it was my mom. I sat up to answer it. "Hey Mom", "Are you alright?" she responded. She always calls to see if I'm ok. This is what makes me look at my mom  differently. The fact that she calls to check on me shows me that deep down she's caring. "Yeah I'm fine". "I'm going to be coming home late so don't stay up all night and don't bring anyone over"."It's a little too late for that" Larry commented "Who was that?" my mom asked. "No one,it was the tv" I glared at Larry and put my finger on my lips, "Ok then, I'll see you later" I hung up.  She's always working and when she's home she's asleep. We don't really get to spend time together. I wish she didn't work so hard  sometimes I would like to spend time with her.Even if she can be a bitch sometimes. I laid back down, "So your going to be home alone huh?", "Larry I know what your thinking and no". I had a feeling he was going to ask to stay over I would love that.But I'm not risking getting caught by my mom."Aw babe c'mon!, your mom isn't going to be here", I stayed silent. Larry buried his face in the crook of my neck "Please".I sighed, "Fine, you can stay but at ten o' clock  you have to go home". This was going to be a long night.

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