The suprising encounter

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Train's p.o.v

After another sucessful sweep we decided to head to the park to get little princess an ice cream. After getting an ice creams we sat down on some benches as sven was looking for another town. He was so attracted to the map that Eve stold his ice cream. Eve had cut her hair which looked alittle better b ut i liked it long. She was crushing the cones feeding them to the birds. She was smiling as the birds fed from her hand. "I figure out the next town and based on the reports they are full of sweeps"Sven said. He looked at the bench where he left his ice cream. "Where did my ice cream go" he said. "Little princess took care of it" i said. On cue Eve walked up with a bird in her arms. "Eve did you take my ice cream cone" he asked. "No train just threw it on the ground letting the birds eat it" she answered. "Wait what Eve " i said. She gave me a smile walking away. After a arguement Sven decided we should start are way to lubick city. To me that was a weird name and i had to laugh. As we arrive we notice the place was a mess. It was like a ghost town and people layed on the streets dead, hurt, or was fighting with someone else. A women hiding behind some debri called us to her. "What is happening here" i asked. "A group of thugs came destroying everything. people of are town fought and most have fallen. The ones that arent fighting and hiding are waiting for any one else. beware or you will die" she said. Looking around i notice some thugs standing around kicking the injured. In the corner of my eye i saw some guy be knocked a long ways away. Turning i saw a girl walking. The old women gasped standing up. "She still alive my girl still alive" she said tears streaming down her eyes. Sven turn to where we were looking and saw the girl. She kept walking and spotted us. Once her eyes hit the old women they soften. Running past us she hug the old women. "You idiot girl i said to hide not fight" she said. The girl looked at her and back away. She looked at us and step up. "Who are you" she said. "Good guys we herd this town was full of sweeps so we came"Sven said. She looked at the old women. "Well im Laurn and this girl here is lailiah" the old women said. Lailiah turns toward the old lady grasping her hand. "I need your help a group of kids are being held captive and when me, jordan, and max tried to get them out we were ambushed and jordan was killed and max dissapered" she said. "we can help" i said. Eve walk to her. "Will help the kids" she said. Lailiah looked at her then sighed. "Fine but im not in charge to what happens"she said. We followed her until we came to a big building. I could hear little kids crying and whimpering as they were scared. Looking around i notice there was alot of guards standing around. Most were drunk or they were pulling jokes. "What's the plan" Sven asked. We looked at lialiah as she was looking at the place. She turn to us and kneeled down. Touching the dirt she sighed and looked at us. "Well we are outnumber so we cant just barge in there like crazy maniacks. We need a distraction to get most of the guards away from the building" she said. "Ill lead them away to think they are getting another child and as they leave you three sneak in" Eve said. "Wait little princess dont just go barging out there.. " i said. Eve was already up and walking out. Lailiah got up watching her. Just as plan Eve manage to get there attention leading them away.

Lailiah p.o.v

I watch as Eve ran pass some bushes as almost all the guards went after her. Looking back a few guys stayed and they were lounging. "We need to take them out and get inside. Once we have the kids head south. There is a refugee camp were people will take them" i said. Train looked to where Eve ran and he stood up. "Sven and me will take the guards be ready to get in there and get the kids ready to go" he said. I would argue but they already ran. Rolling my eyes i snuck closer to the building. I caught sight of them as they took guards out silently and werent discovered. There were two left and they got them out. getting up i ran to the door seeing they have bolted it shut. Pulling on the metal i felkt the screws give away as i pulled it off. piece of cake i thought. I ran inside to come across another door and they were closed short. You need a card to get pass. Flexing my hand i squeezed them between the small crack forcing the door open. Most people wouldnt be able to do that but i wasnt normal. When i was young i was tooken from my parents. I was sent to a hospital well what i thought it was. They injected me with things and i change. i was always scared and evently i pushed any emotions i had aside and i became what i am today. A butt kicking trained killer. After running test they started trainging me with guns and many things. I never wanted to hurt people but they had these head bands that made us do things. I herd the door finally give opening. I ran inside and around a corner. The kids were sitting next to each other holding and crying. Once a few saw me they began to cheer. "Listen up me and some friends are gonna get you out of here but i need you to listen to what we say"  i annoced. They began to cheer but stop when they were stareing behind me. I turn around and saw Max. "Oh lailiah no one is going anywhere" he said. I was shocked as he lunged at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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