"Are you ok?!" Chanyeol shouted as he quickly knelt to the floor, putting away his phone, "Shit, I'm so sorry!"

"I'm fine..." Kyungsoo answered quietly, holding onto his wrist as he winced a little.

"No your not." Chanyeol argued, leaning closer to look at Kyungsoo's hand, "Let me see it."

Kyungsoo recoiled his hand, bringing it close to his body, "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"Hi." Baekhyun suddenly spoke, looking at the man standing near Chanyeol, ignoring the moment happening next to them.

The man turned to look at Baekhyun, a cold expression remaining on his face.

"I'm trying to pay attention to this." He answered in an irritated voice, "It's important."

"Oh, right." Baekhyun replied nervously, "Sorry."

Baekhyun went quiet, looking up and down the man's body to examine his clothing. Attire was a strangely important thing to guardians like themselves, along with their age. They hadn't been born yet, hadn't had a chance to exist in the living realm. However, their appearance at the moment was a representation of the way they were going to look when they were given the gift of life. As for their exact age and the clothing they were wearing, it represented an important day in their life, what they looked like during the moment they met their soulmate.

Baekhyun noticed they both appeared to be around the same age, give or take a few years possibly. Not only that, their attire was rather similar, at least they were dressed for the same season. The man was garbed in a long grey coat, a beige sweater underneath with the tips of his shirt collar sticking out at the neck. At first Baekhyun thought he was dressed for something semi-formal, until his eyes fell on the lower half of the man's body. Plaid pajama pants paired with converse sneakers. It was very clashing, and Baekhyun wondered why the man had ever decided to dress like that.

In contrast, Baekhyun was dressed rather sharply, either for some nice event or even possibly just a day at work. He also had a long coat, but it was light in color. Underneath was a patterned sweater vest, his white shirt exposed at the top and bottom. A pale blue pair of slacks went well with the rest of his outfit, along with his dark brown dress shoes. The blue scheme played nicely against the light orange color of his hair, the muted colors feeling soft on the eyes.

Taken away from his thoughts, Baekhyun heard Chanyeol's voice again, reminding him of the current situation.

"Let me take you to the nurses office then. It might be sprained." Chanyeol offered, holding out his hand to help Kyungsoo stand up.

Baekhyun and the man watched as Kyungsoo accepted Chanyeol's offer, getting up off the floor with Chanyeol's help. Chanyeol quickly collected Kyungsoo's papers for him, gathering them back into a stack. They began to walk together, going towards the nurse's office. Baekhyun and the tall man moved behind them, also walking side by side.

"What's your name?" Baekhyun suddenly asked after an awkward break of silence.


"Hi, I'm Baekhyun."

There was no answer to Baekhyun's introduction, and they fell into silence again. Baekhyun glanced over at Sehun, admiring his handsome features as they moved along quietly. He had a pleasant combination of masculine and soft attributes, creating a very appealing appearance, especially in Baekhyun's eyes. Baekhyun spent some time examining each attractive quality on his face before he eventually spoke again.

"Chanyeol is such gentlemen. It must be nice to watch over him."

"He's an idiot." Sehun answered, a look of irritation on his face, "He's frustrating to watch."

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