Summers Out

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Seáns pov:
2nd July, I'm bored stiff, I hear my mum yelling me and as usual I succumb to her wails and practically crawl downstairs with a tired look on my face.
"You know Seán I'm fed up seeing you like this. It's not just affecting you it's also affecting the house."
Typical. Absolutely typical.
Of course I expected this to happen since my mum has this very strange talent of finding the negative in even the most neutral or positive things. An example.... hmmmmm OH yes my uncles wedding.
My uncles a whacky guy and when he got married to his second wife he decided to go roller skating with her on the wedding day and everyone enjoyed it especially him since he constantly tried to trip my aunty over and it was hilarious when not only did she fall but he fell too and everyone was enjoying themselves, but of course my mum just rolled her eyes and whispered to me "I'd kill your father if her ever did that to me".
"Seán are you listening to me?"
"Yes mum I am. Why did you call me downstairs anyway?"
"Well now that you ask. My friend Shirley you remember her right?"
"How could I forget her after last summers barbecue"
"Alright enough of the cheek. Anyway Shirley's younger brother Mark has had his shop refurbished and he's in need of some employees"
"And why do I need to know this?"
"Because I've told her you'll definitely be up for it"
Now I didn't know anything about this Mark guy, but that was my least concern my main concern was the fact from what I'd heard Shirley's brother was living in Oregon in some tiny little town while we lived in San Fransisco and there was no way I was gonna be spending my summer in some cult like village.
"IM NOT GOING. I'm sorry, but I'd rather stay in my room all Summer than in some tiny town serving weirdo people"
"Well that's just TOO bad because I've told her you're going and I've already packed your bags while you went out with your dad last weekend. You're leaving tomorrow at 10 and to make sure you get on the coach I'm gonna be waiting for you to get on"
And that was that my fate was sealed, doomed to spend a whopping month in some wooded area with no WiFi, no friends and nothing, but work to do.
Sorry for the year long hiatus, I had a really bad case of writers block

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