Hi-C Oldtimers

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Jennie sat on the couch, barely making her way over without falling. Mak sits down and there are seven loud crack noises in the air. Just the daily joint pops for her.

Mak looked to jennie and says "Man Jennie don't you miss the old days when high-c was the bomb diggity?" Jennie nodded. "It was good for us to sober up but that high-C just made me feel like another woman. Like you're flying and pooping your pants at the same time. High-C was just so... lit as we used to say." Jennie said in a longing way.

Mak and Jennie both craved that sweet sweet Hi-C but we're too old to go to the store and get any. They would end up falling and not getting up.

Mak said "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" And jennie said "Hell yeah "

They hopped on their electric little scooters and started heading down the sidewalk to the gas station. They vroomed their way over to the guy in the ally next to the gas station. He's always there. "Hey bud do you got the Hi-C?" Asked mak. The man hesitantly pulled back his trench coat. A beautiful display of Hi-C, condoms, and pixie sticks were shown. Jennie licked her lips when she saw that Hi-C. "I want 12 of the Hi-C... 6 pixie sticks and a condom." The dealer handed over the goods. "I want my $00.81" he said. Mak pulled out the coins and handed them over.

Jennie and mak rode back up the street and went in the house. "I don't know if I want to smoke it or butt slurp the Hi-C first... I think I might just put it in my vape." Mak responded with "I'm pouring it into my I.V. Then snorting it." "Before we do anything, we gotta call up the gang."

Jennie pulled out her phone and called her old buddies to came hang out. She didn't talk to many of them, but she knew that Emily was still addicted to injecting Hi-C. Not too long later, the gang all rolled up.

Everyone sat in a circle around a big hookah. "This is loaded with Hi-C, guys." Said Mak. Everyone smoked up.

Everyone kicked back and enjoyed the sweet sugar high. "I keep having a recurring dream about a bar of soap you guys. I don't know what it means. I think I'm going wacko. And last night I woke up and saw where my dog was sleeping now just had a pineapple wearing a collar. I think it strangled my dog in his sleep." Mak said, feeling that HIGH-C ya know what I mean.

"That sounds tough." Said Paige. "Do you wanna use the syringes now?" Asked jennie. "Heck yeah woot woot!" Said everyone. They all injected the Hi-C.

"There's nothing like being with my old pals!" Said mak.

Everyone there slowly passed away from old age and also Hi-C overdose. They all died together, Hi-C in their High-Cholesterol bloodstreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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