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Another day of my booooring life.... I woke up to sunlight streaming out of my window. Today was the first day of summer.

"Honey! When you come down, I have some important news!" My mom called from downstairs.

I groaned. Important? Job offer?Moving?

Grrr. It was too early to be thinking about so many things.

I looked at my clock. 10:37. Okay, maybe not too early...

"Annabelle! Hurry up!"

Eek. I had gotten distracted. I untangled myself from my duvet, and walked down the narrow hallway, leading to a set of elegant stairs.

My mom was waiting at the end of the staircase. "Honey, for the summer, Dad and I will be host parenting a boy your age. His name is Matthew Costas."

"A boy?" I cried. "Oh, please no."

My mom frowned slightly. "Sweetie, it won't be too bad. Besides, maybe you'll become friends.....or more than friends. It all depends on time, right?"

She gave me a wink. "You'll see. I'm sure you'll warm up to him."

Here goes nothing...


I winced as the bright sun nearly blinded me, trudging through the medium-length grass. I would meet Matthew in two days.

I was going on a little nature walk now, leaving only myself and my thoughts. Hopefully Matthew would be nice. Maybe he'd even have a sense of humor. That was all to be decided later, though. For now, I was going to enjoy the beautiful wildlife, and try not to get scared by any bugs.

I walked past a beautiful blue azalea, and snapped a picture of it with my phone. I would definitely show it to my parents later. As I was looking at it, marveled by its beauty, however, I felt a pair of warm hands wrap around my waist.

"Annabelle!" My best friend, Esmee, squealed. "I missed you so much!"

Her arms tightened around my waist a little more, so I decided to give in and hug her back. "Hey, Esmee! I missed you too."

She smiled and let go of me, her light green eyes sparkling beautifully in the sunlight. "How you been, mi hermana?"

I had known Esmee for thirteen years now. We met when we four, and we had instantly clicked. Our parents got along just as great, which was an added plus.

"I've been good! You?" I asked.

"Same here," she said, her smile never wavering, "I'm so glad summer's finally here."

I nodded in agreement. We both had talked on the phone for three hours two days ago, minutes after school let out. We like to vent to each other about our lives, and what we plan to do over summer.

"Well, I better head home, before my mother thinks I suffered from a stroke." She said. We both giggled. "See you later, alligator!"

"In a while, crocodile!" I finished, smiling and waving as she walked in the direction of her home.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I will try to upload every Saturday and Sunday, or every other! I will not have a specific schedule, just stay tuned! More to come, lovelies! Sorry it's kind of short, much longer parts coming in the future!

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