Chapter One [Rain]

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The rain was hardly a gentle soaking sprinkle. It was more of a torrential downpour. Y/N quickly stepped off of the train and threw her coat over her head, crossing the bridge that led to the first village in Inkwell Isle. 

She walked the empty, cold streets of her former home. It was eerie, seeing her home after the war. She was used to it being littered with dead bodies, her eardrums drowning in screams and gunfire.

More rain came crashing down on her, slowly turning into hail. Oh well. Nothing to be done about it. Just throw over her coat and hustle through the streets. She stopped in front of a low hanging staircase and stared back up at the garden she'd visited so often in her faintest years of life.

She'd just moved into the city, more specifically, 'Inkwell Isle Three'. Where people were packed tight into the streets as they kicked and shoved their way through the crowd, trying to get to work as soon as possible.

Another sigh. Holding her breath, she walked up the wooden stairs as it creaked weakly. A shock escaped from her throat, examining the horrid sight before her. Nothing was left. The plants, rocks, the oasis she fetched water from, gone. All gone. 

She fell to the ground, no longer able to contain her tears. Her favorite place to be, to vent and just talk to herself, where she was most at peace, had been wiped away. 

She buried her face in her hands, not caring her makeup would be ruined from the tears, if the rain didn't already make her mascara run. She felt something soft gently brush against her back. A soft voice spoke,

"Sunflower, are you okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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