New Friend

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After hearing news of how the lands succumbed to the new Plague, you began to pack your backpack with food, water, toiletries, and other necessities. You felt scared. You didn't know if the...things had overran the area you lived in let, but you didn't want to stay to figure out. As you got all of your essentials on your back, you began to run to wherever you thought was safe. You looked around and saw the mountains in the north side of town. It wasn't technically a zombie apocalypse scenario, but you always heard about going north in situations like these. Without much thinking, you decided to head towards the mountains.

It was cold. Much colder than you liked it to be. You knew the mountains were cold, but you didn't think they would be this frigid. After having enough of the cold, you stopped and dropped your backpack onto the ground, digging through the contents to find the jacket you stuffed into it. When you found the jacket, you hastily put it on. It helped, making you feel steadily warmer. As you started to zip up the jacket, you heard something in the distance...or was it someone? You felt uneasy, your movements growing more sharp and your mind more alert. In the far distance, you could hear what seemed to be a little girl asking for help.

'Maybe that's another person who decided to run off like me' you thought.

Truly thinking it was a young girl, you walked towards the squeaks of help. Something felt off about this though. Why would a little girl just be out here on her own? Where were her parents? You simply shrugged it off and shoved these intrusive thoughts into the back of your head while you continued looking for the child. As you lurked closer, you began to notice the silhouette of someone huge. You could feel your hairs stand up even in the cold, knowing that you made a grave mistake in following the cries. Before you had a chance to turn around and make a run for it, the huge figure charged at you and knocked you out.

After what felt like hours since you were knocked out cold, you began to regain consciousness. Your head was pounding, it quite possibly being the worst migraine you've ever had in your life. As you rubbed your head, you finally began to register that you were surrounded by blood. Giving out a sharp but short shriek, you hastily got up and felt your body, making sure you weren't wounded. Surprisingly, you weren't. A wave of relief hit you as you slumped back down, but then got back up again because you didn't want to stain yourself any further. It smelled horrid where you were at, so you ran out of the area to where you saw a campfire. Absolutely stoked, you ran up to it and stuck your arms out, letting the warmth engulf you slowly. You didn't even pay attention to the droid who was cutting wood to your left.

"I see you're up" they said, startling you.

You let out a small peep before composing yourself once more. "Um. Hello? Who are you? Can you tell me why I'm here?" you inquired.

"I am Unit 437. My original directive was to kill The Master, but once I faced him I knew I couldn't overpower him...I am very bad at my job," he paused for a couple of seconds. "But now I make meals for The Master and keep him warm. I keep him alive, and I'm going to slice you up to make for dinner tomorrow"

Immediately taken aback, you began to panic. You? Food? You didn't want to go like this. "I'm not food!" you sharply squeal.

"You will be, I'm afraid. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's quick and painless. You will make a very good meal for The Master" they retorted.

Before you could be angrier at the bot, you realized something. You had food in your backpack! Making a dash back to where you woke up, you frantically searched for your bag in the bloody mess. After locating it, you sighed in relief and brought it back to camp and dumped out the contents to find the canned and fresh goods.

"See? I have food. Now you can't kill me" you smirked, thinking you were the most quick-witted bastard on the planet. The droid seemed unfazed, but shrugged and thought this was a good alternative to kidnapping and slaughtering innocent passerby. You and the droid began to prepare a nice, meaty soup in a small cauldron that you brought. It brought a nice aroma into the cold air, which certainly caught the so-called 'Master''s attention.

As you began to serve yourself a nice helping of the soup, the ground around you began to quake. You looked off into the distance and saw that silhouette again. You tensed up once more, knowing this was the same man who brought you over here to eat. There was comfort in remembering that you prepared something else that WASN'T you, so you hoped that he would eat the soup instead. While your thoughts raced, you saw him come closer to the camp, his silhouette growing bigger until the light from the flames revealed who he was. He was a Teletubby just like you, but more grotesque. He had a muscular build and his fur was a turquoise fleece, with tufts of light steel blue fur on his shoulders and wrists. His face was distorted, having a gaping wide mouth with sharp teeth pointing out and soulless eyes. He appeared to have no antenna either, but that wasn't uncommon in Teletubbies. While you focused on his appearance, he stared down at you and your bowl of soup. Although he wasn't very expressive, you could tell he was hungry, and so you gave him your bowl. The man sniffed at the food before wolfing it down. It was still hot, but you realized he probably didn't care since he lives in a gelid wasteland. You merely watched as you prepared another bowl for yourself and ate.

Finishing your bowl of soup, you patted your belly happily as you felt your stomach grow warm. Getting up, you tossed your bowl into the snow to clean later. You watched the stranger out of the corner of your eye as you did, seeing him also finish up his serving of food. You sat next to him near the fire, kicking your feets out of boredom. Deciding to look at him again, you turned your head only to find him staring at you too. It was a bit unnerving, but you shot him a smile anyways. After that, he quickly turned his head away and looked into the fire. The much bigger man was not very vocal. He simply only hummed to himself after eating the meal you helped prepare. He wasn't used to the hospitality, and certainly not to the food he recently ate. Usually, he would only eat whomever made the mistake of treading the mountains. The meat in the stew definitely wasn't the Teletubby flesh he ate every night, but it was delectable. The vegetables and broth were delicious too. He had never had something like this to eat in his life; he didn't eat like this even in captivity among the Coat Men. He felt...good, but it was conflicting to him. The much larger figure hadn't felt like this since he escaped. It was nice to feel like this again, but he was aloof towards you because of this.

While he was having his own personal battle against his inner thoughts, you got up and grabbed the sleeping bag and quilt that you threw out of your bag earlier and prepared to go to sleep. You slipped into the sleeping bag and zipped it up, then throwing the quilt onto yourself for extra warmth. It was nice to feel warm again like this. Your eyes steadily closed, finally resting your body. It was a while before you felt something trying to shift in your quilt. Forgetting who you were with, you shot up defensively at the offender, only to find it was that fluffy stranger trying to take your quilt. You only gave him a look of disappointment, but then remembered he was at least 5 or 6 feet taller and more well-built than you, so you shared some of the blanket with him.

"You can just ask" you groaned, looking at him. He didn't respond, only letting out a small snuffle and huff.

You don't know why, but you smiled. Maybe all he needed was a friend. Stupidly enough, you reached your hand out to him and pet him. He flinched from the trauma he endured under the hands of the Coat People, but quickly learned he wasn't being punished again. The man let it happen, seemingly liking the new, profound affection he was receiving. Without much thinking, he mimicked your movements and pet you too, his giant hand sort of squishing your head. He rumbled gently, grabbing and pressing you against his turquoise body. You were a bit shocked, but you embraced the snuggling. As the warmth grew in the blanket, so did your need for slumber. You slowly close your eyes once more, happily drifting away into your sleep as your new friend cuddled you. 

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