
The sun had already set by the time they arrived at Peter's apartment. Justice had decided to stay at Peter's until she sobered up. Her father had just lectured her on her passed endeavors with her former Lakehurst counterparts, and she did not need him concluding that she had reverted to her old ways. She hadn't meant to drink as much as she had, but after more than a year of sobriety, a girl loses track of her limit.

"Cosy place." She said as she walked into the living room. "You live alone?"

"Yeah." He said. "Been living by myself for a while now."

"I'm so jealous. I wish I could live alone." She said as she sat on the couch. "So you work at the Dot?"

"Well, my band does. They perform there sometimes."

Justice's eyes grew wide, "You're in a band? That's awesome! What do you play?"

Peter scratched his head as he kicked off his shoes. "I'm not in the band anymore."

"Why not?"

He paused for a second. "Uh, reasonable differences." He said as he sat next to her. "But, to answer your question, I sing and play guitar."

She smiled, "Would you mind playing something for me?"

"No. Not at all." He said and got up to snag his guitar. When he returned, he planted next to her on the couch, and propped the guitar up on his leg. He locked eyes with her as he began to play softly, and then sang along to the music. Justice smiled, her heart seeming to pound to the rhythm of the song. Peter acted like such a goofball sometimes, but he had such an amazing talent. He could sing and play guitar so well. He didn't look like the type who could sing, but he was amazing.

Johnny used to play guitar. He was so good at it. Back then they would sneak off to the beach, and he would play to her as they listened to the waves crashing. She remembered listening to the gentle melodies he would play, as a gentle breeze danced across their skin and through their hair. She would dig her toes deep into the sand as she leaned back onto her hands for support. She remembered how he start out staring into her eyes, drawing her into him, to listen more, to want more, like a vampire. Then his eyes would slowly close, and she'd watch his body gently sway as if he and the music were one. She would just watch him, watch how serene and calm and at peace he was when he was playing for her. When he had a guitar in his hand, he was like a totally different person. He was calm and patient and gentle. The opposite of his persona at school, where he beat up people, vandalized the bathrooms and bullied everyone else. She wondered if he still played guitar, or had he given that up?


She looked at Peter, instantly ripped from her thoughts. "That was beautiful, Peter." She said, hoping her hadn't noticed her zone out. "You're an incredible singer and guitar play. You'll have to teach me some day."

He smiled, setting his guitar against the coffee table. "I would enjoy being your teacher."

She returned his smile ad she bit her bottom lip, flirtatiously. "Oh, would you?"

Peter leaned in to her, "How about we start with a lesson on singing." He said. "On how to use your lips."

He united their lips; this time Justice did not pull away. Her arms found their way up and around his neck as he found her waist and slowly laid her back on the couch, not once breaking their kiss. Slowly, Justice twirled the hair at the nape of Peter's neck in her fingers as her mouth hungrily fed upon his lips. They were warm and even softer than she had imagined. She had thought about kissing Peter so much after rejecting him. She had regretted it but knew at the time she just couldn't fathom doing so with Johnny on her mind. However, at this moment, she did not care. She wanted to feel this close with Peter. She liked him more than she had liked someone in a long time.

She moaned as he moved from her lips and kissed her neck. Sucking on her collar bone, causing her to bite her lip, stifling a moan that was threatening to escape. Peter bit firmly into her delicate skin, causing her to whimper in pleasure. Her breath became short and rapid as she arched her back. Peter moaned against her flesh as she began to grind her hips against his. He brought his hungry lips back to hers and devoured her mouth. Justice reached for his shirt, and began to unbutton it when there was a sudden knock at the door.

The pair parted lips, Peter sighing in frustration, before getting up. Running his fingers through his hair as he walked towards the door. Justice quickly straightened up and sat with her hands in her lap.

Opening the door, Peter found his father standing there. "Bad timing dad." He said.

"I know I know." He said, walking into the apartment with a carrier. "But I need to ask you a favor."

"It's always the same thing, dad." He said. "I'm in the middle of something and then you come over wanting me to babysit Petra."

"I know." His dad said in a rushed toned. "But I really need this favor. I promise I will make it up to you."

"How? By buying me another base that I don't play?"


"It's okay, Peter." Justice interrupted. Hating to see family bickering, she approached the pair. "Hi, I'm Justice. We'd be more then happy to babysit for you."

"Justice, what are you—"

"Wonderful!" Peter's father said. "Thank you, Peter. I promise I will make it up to you. I'll be by to pick her up in a few hours." He said and then left.

As soon as the door closed, Peter turned to Justice. "Why did you do that?"

Justice turned to Petra, marveling over the baby girl's pudgy face. "It wouldn't hurt to babysit her for a few hours." She said. "Plus, she looks tired. I'm sure she'll be out in no time."

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