John: that's Ashley my girlfriend and she is also your best friend as well as Lita

Lita: oh but how did we get in here?

Ashley: two guys attacked you two while you were in a match...

Lita: match?

John: you both work for WWE

Jeff: all of us do

Matt: yeah

Trish: oh 

Ashley: anyway we had Matt and Jeff go in a match against T&A which is Test and Albert since they were the two who attacked you


Test: hey Trish

Trish: what do you want Test?

Test: can't I have a conversation with my ex partner?

Trish: no you can't now I've gotta go I'm busy

I was about to walk away when Test grabbed my wrist

Trish: get off me!

Then I saw Jeff.

Trish: Jeff!

Jeff came running towards us and he attacked Test then me and him walked away well he had his arm wrapped around my waist and I held my wrist where Test grabbed it.

*End of flashback*

Ashley: Trish what's wrong?

Trish: n..nothing

End of POV

Lita's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes I instantly recognised Trish but when 4 more people came in I didn't recognise them when Trish said that we didn't know these two guys one with black hair and one with rainbow hair I could tell on the face that we hurt them. The guy with the black hair is pretty cute.

I noticed Trish in a daydream I remember everything what me and Trish did, how we met, when we met, what we have been through together, I also remember what she is like when someone she hates is near her but also if she has a bad memory.

The others told me and Trish a bit more about what happened, why it might've happened since they still aren't sure about that, they told us a bit about the things we did together and how close we were, how we met, they also explained a little bit about the WWE well WWF they told us that Trish is the women's champion.

John: we better go the show is starting in about 20 minutes and it is a long drive

Jeff: do we have to go now?

John: sorry Jeff

Ashley: we'll be back

Jeff nodded and he gave a smile to Trish and she gave one back then he walked out of the door.

Lita: I think Jeff likes you

Trish: what?

Lita: Trish he was giving you love eyes 

Trish: really?

Lita: *nods*

Trish: well he is cute

Lita: I'll agree but I like Matt

Trish: he was giving you love eyes as well when you weren't looking

Lita: really?

Trish: would I lie to you?

Lita: *smiles*

Trish: I felt sorry for them when we said that we didn't know them it hurt them

Lita: I know 

Trish: I hope they understand

Lita: I think they do 

Trish: yeah because it ain't our fault that we can't remember them

Lita: *nods*

End of POV

Jeff's POV

When we left the hospital we went back to the hotel to get our ring gear.

*At the hotel*

John parked the car and we all got out grabbed our gear and then went back to the car John drove to the arena.

*At the arena*

John parked the car and we got out and went to our locker rooms

End of POV

Lita's POV

I got the remote to the TV and turned it on the show that was on was Monday Night Raw.

Trish: isn't this the show that the others were on about?

Lita: I think it is


Vince: welcome ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night Raw

Crowd: *cheers*

Vince: tonight we will have Matt and Jeff vs Edge and Christian, Ashley vs Terri, John Cena vs Randy Orton and plenty more

Then a theme song played and out walked John.

Announcer: this match is set for one fall first making his way to the ring John Cena

Then he got in the ring and did what he usually does and then he waited for the opponent then another theme song played and another guy walked out.

This guy walked out.

Announcer: and his opponent Randy Orton!

Me and Trish looked at each other and we started talking but now and again we would look at the TV.

End of POV

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