A 'Would You Rather' Surprise

Start from the beginning

"I don't know, that depends on the person and what you like to get up to in your spare time." Ellen says nonchalantly. You laugh along with the audience but it doesn't stop the flush in your cheeks from going away anytime soon. The screen in front of you changes from a view of palm springs in LA to a picture of Channing Tatum and Harry Styles.

"Oh I see, we're diving straight in, are we? Right into the deep end, hey? Ummmm, oh wow, I don't know, look at them!"

"Yeah I know, I see 'em"

"Ok well, I'm looking at Channing Tatum and my mind's just automatically started to play Pony -" you're broken off by a round of laughter, "but Harry Styles, man, cmon. Look at that grin and the hair. Harry, if you're watching this, what is your skin and hair care routine? Help a girl out. I'm a sucker for a charismatic man, so as much as I love you, Magic Mike, I'm gonna go with Harry here" you grin as the pictures on the screen changes. This time, Channing Tatum's picture is replaced with Paul Rudd. The audience cheers as the first Marvel superhero comes on screen.

"Oh! Is this gonna be like Avengers themed? Is this the little change in the game?". Ellen simply nods, grinning knowingly.

"We're gonna be throwing some other celebrities, not from the Marvel franchise in there as well, just to keep things new and unpredictable. Now, who'd you rather? Harry or Paul?" she says.

"Oh man. Look, Paul is like that iconic attractive single dad that all of the single baby mamas at school crush on when he comes and drops his daughter to school. There's a slight, silent pause before you add, "Sorry, that was very specific" you say sheepishly, causing the whole studio to laugh. "But yeah, Paul's looks like a super chill guy,he seems so cool, I hope I get to work with him one day, but, it's gonna have to be Harry again"

"Looks like I'm gonna have to make a call to a certain British man, huh Y/N?" Ellen hints, you chuckling along. The picture changes, putting Rihanna next to Harry Styles.

"Rihanna, hands down. Harry, sorry...but I'm not even sorry" you say, without a second of hesitation. There's a massive round of applause, whoops and cheering at your blatant love for Rihanna and you spread your arms wide open.

"IT'S RIHANNA! WHO DOESN'T CHOOSE RIHANNA?!" you shout. The audience loves how you seem to be actually talking to the pictures as they were actually people. If anything, you were putting on a show, loving how every now and then, if you were thinking for too long, someone from the audience would yell out their opinion. You loved having the spotlight on you, and right now, you were definitely making the most of it.

"Alright Y/N, you thought that was easy. Try this" Ellen smirks, and the screen changes, replacing Harry Styles' face to show Beyonce. Your mouth drops and you groan into your head again.

"What the actual fu-hell, hell! Sorry, sorry, this is a family-friendly show!" you quickly corrected yourself, giggling lightly.

"Ummm oh noo, this is gonna start a twitter war." you laugh, eyes flicking between the two women up on the screen

"With great power comes great responsibility," Ellen says, winking at you.

"Ok, I'm gonna do this logically. I've been listening to Rihanna's songs for longer and to be completely honest with you, I'm not worthy enough to date Beyonce, so I'm gonna go with Rihanna again" you say.

"Tough decision?" Ellen laughs.

"You have no idea. That physically hurt me" you breathed.

"Ok Y/N. So the whole studio knows exactly how much you love the Marvel movies. So this is going to be a speed round, and the only people we're going to be putting up on the screen are all going to be part of the Marvel cast"

You grinned. This was going to be tough, but it was going to be fun. In your opinion, the whole cast was drop-dead gorgeous.

"Ok, first up. Remember, you gotta be quick, no thinking. We're going to continue with Rihanna, but this time, it's going to be against... Zoe Saldana"

"Zoe, she's my idol," you say, leaning forward in your chair.

"Zoe Saldana or...Tom Hiddleston?"

"I'm a sucker for British men. Tom, for sure"

"Tom Hiddleston versus Letitia Wright?"

"Letitia. She reminds me a lot of my sister and I have the biggest friend crush on her" you say without hesitation.

"What happened to being a sucker for British men?!" Ellen laughs.

"You put Letitia Wright up there, how could I not choose her?!"

"Alright. Letitia Wright or Chris Pratt?"

"Oh nooo, that's so hard..." you trail

"No thinking, Y/N. Come on!"

"Ohhh ok ok I don't know, uhhmm, Letitia!" you say, rushedly.

"Alright, last round Y/N. This is it, ok?" Ellen asks.

"Yep, bring it on" you say, rubbing your hands together eagerly. The picture of Chris Pratt is quickly replaced by Tom Holland. As the realisation sets in, your mouth drops and your eyes widen. You groan, throwing yourself back in the couch, and flopping an arm over your face. You honestly wished a hole would open up and swallow you off the face of the Earth.

"You didn't think I'd let that video of crying over Spider-Man Homecoming slide, did you?! You really are a sucker for British men!!" Ellen laughs with the whole audience as you cover your face in your hand, shoulder shaking as you laugh, but also being at you being incredibly embarrassed.

"Ellen, I hate youuu" you whine, as the audience continues to laugh. This was so going on the internet and your publicist was going to have a field day.

"Awww love c'mon, don't be like that" someone says next to you. That was not Ellen's voice you think, spinning around. At the back of your mind, you knew it was probably going to be him but it doesn't stop your eyes from literally bulging out of your head.

Of course, Ellen had something like this up her sleeve you thought, turning to finally look at Tom. 

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