"Well...my dad doesn't seem to care about me, and my mom wants me to live my life like her but I don't want to. How's your day been?"

He sat back and leaned. Only then did you notice he was wearing a suit.

"Well...after so many years I was supposed to have dinner with my family along with my fiancé and her family, but it seems she ran away from her house and is causing a ruckus."

"Wow. Your fiancé must be dramatic."

"Yeah...but she's always been that way. She isn't with out reason though."

You sat in an awkward silence for a bit. Then you finally spoke.

"Your fiancé can't be better then mine. He left me all alone. Then suddenly shows up after so many years acting as if he didn't hurt her."

"He just couldn't face her."

Todoroki said.

"He had a lot going on and he couldn't come to her even though he wanted to."

You sat and listened.

"He did think of her a lot though and didn't realize why till he got older."

"Oh and why was that?"

"Because....he loves her."

You looked up at todoroki. Her cheeks became red at his sudden answer.

"Well...I'm sure she's happy to hear that."

"So, what's bothering my fiancé still?"

He grabs your hand.

"All her feelings are mixed. She's mad that you took forever to tell me these things. But happy that she heard them."

You smile at him.



"I know our parents want us to get married one day...but I want that to be our choice."

"Yeah...me too."

You squeezed his hand.

"And just so you know. I love you too. So I guess it is our choice now.

You stand up.

"I realize something big must've happened for you to not see me for so long, so I won't ask about it for now. I'm happy just like this."

Todoroki gets up and takes you hand.

"Well then let's go get this boring dinner over with...shall we my princess?" He holds out his arm.

"We shall, my prince." You take his arm,and the two of you walk to his house.


Dinner was long and boring. Your parents were glad to see you didn't have an attitude. The only reason you sat through it was because of Todoroki. Both your parents and Endeavor finally let the two of you go somewhere else so they could discuss things, and thank god because that was torture.

"Why are those things so boring?" You flop on todoroki's  bed.

Todoroki just shrugged at you and sat on his floor.

"I hate them just as much as you do."

"Can't say it's completely boring with you there. I'd probably fall asleep if you weren't there."

"Because I'm there to keep you awake when you want to fall asleep."

You blush a little. Remembering that Todoroki would grab your hand under the table or nudge you while he pretended to listen.

"I don't get how you could sit through that so calmly and awake."

He just shrugged again.

"Well I see your still as quiet and emotionless as ever." You turn over and face him.

"And your just as emotional and loud as you were when we were little. No wonder your quirks tied to your emotions."

You both smile at each other and laugh glad things could go back to how they used to be.

(A/n: I realize todoroki's ooc in some scenes but I thought it was cute.)

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