Chapter 1

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Once again the irritating sound of my alarm clock was buzzing in my ears. I was in no mood for getting up and going into college today, so i lay there staring at the celling my brain trailing off into deep thought while the alarm continued to ring. I looked over at the clock as it flashed an angry blue light, just like your mum shouting at you from your bedroom door to get up.

A positive side to your parents having to start work early.

No screaming mum at 7am.

I hit the alarm and rolled over.

'meh.. another 5 mins wont hurt' I thought as i rolled over and closed my eyes hoping that the next 5 minuets would last forever.

~5 minuets later~

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

'ugh are you serious!' I shouted while throwing my pillow at the clock. I finally sat up and looked at the calender next to my bed. It had a sticky note stuck to todays date, i lifted it off and read the note.

"Good luck today darling, i know you will do great ! -mum"

as i sat the note down on my knee i ponderd to what it ment. 'OH CRAP i completely forgot... oh goody, presentation day'

Today was the day where you had to preform your set infront of your lecture/teacher. I take music at college and aspire to be a musician, but college isnt fun i hate my teacher, Mr. Hunter. He thinks hes the greatest musician after mozat that ever exsisted just because he knows how to read music.

'congrats man ! you can read music, well so can i.' My brain went off in a mental rant of all the things i wish i could say to the fail of a teacher.

I finally got dressed, putting on my wooly winter hat to keep my ears warm and packed up my guitar then headed the hell hole known as college. It was a 10 minute walk so i didn't mind leaving my car. Today was a nice day the sun had only just risen and the sky was a beautiful shade of pinky-orange. It was days like this where the sunrise inspired me to write music.

Time passed quickly kicking a bundles of reddish-brown autumn leaves and skipping across a few cobbled roads and i was already there staring up at the college as many other of its students walked by me what felt like in slow motion and entered its front door.

'You can do it Lewis. i mean, your as cool as a cucumber.' Looking down at my feet, i shuffled them together, with a clicking of my heels and fists of nerves, my hands shook uncontrolable.

'i can do this.'

Determined to get a good result in this final presentation before my big exam, I confindently walked threw the doors with the many other who would be doing presentations for different lectures.

I was ready. To show Mr.Hunter my talent.


hay this is my first ever story and im pretty nervous. Sorry if its a bit crappy but id love for you to give me some crit. It might make this story half decent :P. Thanks xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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