I paused then silently tiptoed backwards towards the exit. Maybe he won’t notice me if I’m quiet enough. That thought process was killed when Dyson appeared in the doorway of the Cinnabon, closing my escape with a smirk on his face.

“Surprise.” He said evilly.

I ran back behind the counter, trying to create distance between us, but in reality, I just cornered myself in.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Dyson asked innocently, following me behind the counter to where I couldn’t escape.

“Not hungry.” I muttered, looking up at his face, it was pretty funny. The Sharpie marks were still there, but faded, which means that he tried to wash it off. All of the whipped cream was gone and so were the bunny ears but the makeup was still faintly smudged on his face. I tried, but failed, to hold back my laughter at the sight. His hair was also sexily messed up on top of his head.

“What’s so funny?” He huffed.

I shrugged. “N-nothing.”

“If nothing was funny, you wouldn’t have laughed.” He said, taking a step closer to me with one hand behind his back.

He’s going to give me whatever he has planned, so I might as well just say it. “Y-you look so funny.” I squeaked, trying to hide my laughter.

“I wonder who’s fault that is.” He snorted.

“Hey, I was getting you back for throwing me into the fountain. So whatever you do, just know that I’ll have to get you back again. So just don’t do whatever you’re about to do and we can call it even.” I reasoned.

He shrugged with a smug smile then took the last step towards me so that he was only inches away from my face. “I don’t play to get even.”

I rolled my eyes. “You are such a child.”

Instead of answering, he brought the hand up from behind his back and raised it above my head the second before I felt something cold, wet, and sticky smother my hair and slither down my neck and back. I gasped and put my hand up to my head then brought it down to my eyes.

“You cracked an egg on my head?!” I screeched.

He stepped back and winked. “Smell ya later.” And with that, he was running away from the scene and out of the store.

I let out an aggravated sigh and slowly walked back to the Macy’s, planning a revenge plan, once again, while I turned on the sink faucet and tried my best to get the egg out of my hair. An hour later, it was all out and my hair was shampooed. I got dressed in a pink Victoria Secret hoodie and jean shorts before making my way out of the bathroom, now really hungry since I haven’t eaten yet. As for the revenge plan, I came up short. I could have started the whole seduction thing again, but that didn't turn out well last time and I didn't think I wanted to try a second.

When I got back to the beds, Dyson was sitting on his with a burrito in front of him and eating. I noticed two cinnamon rolls on a paper plate on my bed as I walked up.

“You made me breakfast?” I asked slowly, sitting on my bed next to the cinnamon rolls. “What’d you do to them?”

He smiled with a bite of burrito in his mouth, making me look away. “I didn’t do anything to them. Honest.”

I sighed then brought the plate up to my face, sniffing the suspicious cinnamon rolls but all I could smell was the delicious cinnamon and frosting smell, just making me even more hungry.

“If I keel over and die, I will haunt you forever.” I muttered, putting the plate back down and tearing off a steamy strip of the pastry and putting it in my mouth.

Had to be DysonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu