✰ ten

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Riley's pov:
3 months later

Today is December 20th and it's our last day of school before Christmas break. I'm already so hype for break because my family is taking a vacation to Fiji and i couldn't be more excited because the Dolan family is coming along! A couple of weeks ago we had a dinner with them and they surprised us with the trip we will be going on for one and a half weeks. Ever since they became our neighbors our family's really grew close and we're good family friends now. Plus Ethan and i are still dating and we're constantly together and Grayson sometimes tags along which I'm fine with because we're friends too.


Right now I'm currently sitting in 4th period. Ugh. But i guess it's not that bad considering Ethan's in this class and I have decent grades.
I just couldn't seem to focus though because i kept daydreaming about Fiji and what Ethan and i would be doing there;)

Almost like Ethan read my mind he laid his hand on my thigh and started rubbing up and down as i looked at him with wide eyes
"What are you doing E" i whispered
"I'm bored" he shrugged his shoulders
(a/n: they're in science so they're sitting behind those lab desks so yea they're right by each other ya know & in the back of the room)

"Everybody, your homework for break are pages 333-336 notes plus the slideshow presentations for the class so I'd advise you get working now so you have no homework on break" Mrs. Parker stated looking rather bored at the sight of us before plopping into her chair at her desk and sighing. Everybody around us began working with hushed whispers to their desk partners. Soon i pulled out my science textbook and began filling out my notes before i felt Ethan's hand on my thigh again. I looked over at Ethan and he pretended he was working and i rolled my eyes. Slowly Ethan inched his way up my thigh and swiftly slid his hands into my Nike short shorts.
"Ethan" i shot him a look and he smirked at me
"What babe" he smirked and looked back at his homework before he rubbed his hand over the thin material of my thong and my mouth fell open

As Ethan rubbed his fingers over my folds i was getting wetter by the second. I was craving Ethan but i didn't want to risk getting caught. I knew this was wrong. I glanced over at Ethan to see him actually looking at me now
"Babe not right now" i pleaded and grabbed his wrist. Ethan leaned in and whispered in my ear, "babygirl i know you want me" he smirked
And Ethan was right, i did want him but not right now and especially not in class.

Without a warning Ethan slid a finger in me and i tensed up trying not to make any sound at all. Ethan noticed how tense i was and smirked. "Babygirl what's wrong"
Ethan slide another finger in and i gasped quietly so only Ethan could hear and he couldn't stop smirking. He pumped his fingers in and out of me while i held my hand against my mouth keeping in my moans. A third finger slid into me and i grabbed Ethan's arm for support, squeezing it.
"Ethan" i gasped
"Yes baby" he whispered
"I—need to moan" i panted and slapped my hand over my mouth so i wouldn't
Ethan was having the time of his life watching me squirm under his touch and fight back my moans. Pumping in and out of me with his fingers i could feel a knot forming in my stomach
"Ethann" i groaned in his ear, "I'm gonna cum"
I was nearing my climax, within seconds but before i got the chance.. i heard the bell sound and Ethan quickly slipped out of me and subtly licked his fingers, grabbing his books and walking out. He looked back at me sitting dumbfounded in my chair. Ethan disappeared behind the door and i scrambled to my feet grabbing my stuff and running after him. I couldn't believe what he just did, the little shit knew i was vulnerable to his touch and just left me on edge just at the right moment. Well two could play at this game i smirked to myself walking proudly down the hallways after coming up with a plan.

My next class was history which i also had with ethan but we sat on opposite ends up the room where i could face him. This i was glad for so we didn't have another moment like in science. *rolling eyes

As i sat down i looked over at Ethan who was already in his seat.

Today we had a lecture the whole period and we had to take notes. Fabulous.

I was actually focused in on this class about thirty minutes in before i glanced over at Ethan who was smirking at me.
I mouthed, "what" and he smiled
"You're hot" he replied and i rolled my eyes
"And you're dead" i pressed my tongue against my cheek
Ethan looked back at me and blowed a kiss and i pretended to catch it and crush it in my hands. I tried not to laugh once i looked back at his sad expression. He had his hand over his chest and i smiled turning to face the teacher again, ignoring Ethan the rest of the hour.


It was finally my favorite part of the day, lunch. I went through the lunch line with Lauren and Morgan by my side as we grabbed our walking tacos and some Starbucks.

I walked towards Ethan's table with all his friends and sat my tray next to him. I looked at him and bit my lip. He leaned in and kissed me. I was expecting just a peck but he kissed me hungrily wanting more. I pulled away and looked at him
"Someone's hungry" i smirked and sat down sipping my coffee

Grayson and some of their friends sat in front of us and i made small talk with them about classes and break to keep the conversation alive. Suddenly i remembered my plan to tease Ethan and i bit my lip in hopes to keep my smile back. I got up and out of my seat and sat in Ethan's lap smiling at him innocently. He looked at me weird but ignored it and continued to talk with his friends.

Moving on Ethan's lap, i knew what i was doing to him coming from the soft groan that slipped past his lips as i practically dry humped Ethan.

Ethan's pov:

God. Riley is currently sitting on my lap and doing things that make me wanna take her right now on this lunch table. I was already horny enough and Riley teasing me was just about pushing me off the edge.
"Ahh babygirl" i groaned in her ear
"What are you doing"
"What do you mean Ethan?" , "I'm not doing anything" she smirked and proceeded to bend over the table with her ass in my face to look at a picture Grayson just needed to show her. Without hesitating i slapped her ass making her throw her attention on me
"Ethan Dolan!" she glared at me and i smirked while all my friends cheered for me

The rest of lunch was a continuous game of teasing between us before Riley cut it off
" Ethan, no more teasing can't you just keep your dick in your pants until we go to Fiji" she whined
"No babe i need you"
"Well you ain't getting shit" Riley sat back down and ignored me talking with her friends

I knew that wasn't true. The moment i get her alone she'll be moaning my name and craving me as much as i am right now.

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