Her little hands, merely half the size of yours yet somehow chubbier were bleeding, not a lot but little beads sat around the red marks. Two sickly crimson scratches sat on the backs of each hand. It looked as if she'd done it herself, even with her nails a little longer then stubs that you mentally noted to deal with later.

"I was itchy." She mumbles. You pick the girl up, placing her onto the kitchen table where her eyes immediately fall to the easter egg shaped jar filled with cookies that you'd only stocked up last night. Somehow she knew what day was shopping day, and shopping day meant cookies that she could easily ween around of you.

"What've I said about scratching yourself too hard?" You sigh, the morning already going off with a bang. Life was never dull or slow with a child around. To say that you were always on the edge of your feet- mind always reeling with 'to do's' and 'must remember's!' Was an understatement. When the little girl didn't reply, you answered for her. "We need to sort this habit out."

Rossie sniffles gently, the hand you weren't examining reaching out to drag over the cookie jar. "Can I have one?"

"You can have one later." You say, knowing full well that she'd try and wriggle her way out of that whether it was pulling out the puppy dog eyes, the tears or just straight up steal one when you were out of the room. "Stay still, I'm gonna grab the bandaids."

You turn around, reaching into one of the cabinets to find where the bandages were. You knew that Rosie preferred the Hello Kitty band-aids, usually peeling the wiggles one's of within only an hour or fiddling with the bland, murky brown one's too much. She adored the way the pink and white ones looked.

Your hand finds the brightly colored box, pulling it down and turning around to see the girl already reaching into the jar, her chubby fingers trying to slip a sweet before you could catch her. Rosie thought that maybe she'd get away with it this time if she was quiet enough, taking a treat or two and stuffing them in her pant pockets to eat later when her mother was busy, or in the back seat of the car on the way to kindergarten. Maybe she'd even eat them at kindergarten tucked away in the back of the play shed where no one could take her cookies from her.

"What's the rule?" You scold, digging into the almost-empty packet to pull out the last few bandages, wishing you'd bought more yesterday.

Her head snaps up, brown curls that were tightly pulled into a ponytail bouncing around, falling over her wide eyes, a look of pure guilt crosses her features. You just had to crush her thoughts, staring down with a disappointed glint in your eyes making the girl pout. What you wouldn't tell Rosie was that there was already two cookies tightly wrapped in glad wrap and hidden at the bottom of her lunch box.

The cookie slipped between her fingers and back into the jar, crumbs and the remains of chocolate chips remain and yes, she was already thinking about licking all of it off the second she got the chance. "No sweets before ten."


You take one of the bandaids, ripping the paper packaging off and take the sticky strip out. The right end stuck to your finger for a small moment, before you move to stick it over your daughter's wounds. The ones that were right over last weeks, little scars and picked scabs still remained.

"No! It hurts." Rosie complains, whipping her hand away almost as fast as she'd offered it in the first place. "Don't touch," she grumbles, a pout forming. She stuffs her hands into her chest, hands turned away.

"It's not going to hurt, Roo" A sigh escapes your lips, followed by a frustrated groan when Rosie flicks you a wicked glare. She was never a happy person in the morning. "Let me do this or it'll get infected."

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