Nightmare: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"You have grandchildren," I mumbled.

"Step-grandchildren," he corrected. "Not the same. You should feel fortunate to not be in your sister's shoes. It breaks my heart to know Marissa can't have children."

I huffed out a heavy breath. I didn't want to talk about my non-existent love-life, or the pains of my sister. If I ever felt the desire for that kind of torture, I would only have to wait a few days. The subject would come up again. It always did.

"So who do I work for now?"

"Bryce King," he answered. "But you don't work for him. I've seen to that."

I ignored that last part. "Bryce King? The billionaire? He'll ruin us!"

"Millionaire," Daddy corrected me again. "And no, he won't. He's the CEO of one of the top financial restoration companies in the region."

"He's a shark! He buys companies and takes them apart. For the fun of it!"

"Mr. King saves companies like this one. You should meet him before you start putting him into categories. He's a nice man with humble beginnings. He will be good for Watson Construction."

I stood and faced the tiny window. "But all those people out there, Daddy! What if this Mr. King decides to close us down. They won't have a job anymore."

"I've seen to that, too," he said.


"An agreement. Mr. King won't change anything concerning the employees' contracts for the next year. By then, if the company is still in the red, then he has the right to make cutbacks."

I watched the swarm of workers on the nearest house; stout Agusto lumbering up a makeshift incline with a load of joists on his shoulder; bony Mark and his brother Johnny feeding plywood through a table saw; Bently, who always had a smile on his face, rolling a wheelbarrow of debris out to a dumpster. The names and faces of every man and woman who worked for Watson Construction skittered across my mind like a movie reel. Ginger, our main office receptionist, Tony the accountant, Michael the assistant, Delmar the oldest carpenter alive, Miguel, Cory, Eddie, Joseph...

"And after a year? What happens then?" I turned back to my father.

He sighed heavily. "If the company must be dissolved, then those with contracts will be given a leave settlement comprisable to six months pay and dismissed."

I studied him. This can't be happening. Those people were friends. His friends! "How much?"

"What?" He leaned forward to catch my quiet question.

"How much were you offered?"


"Enough for what?" My voice rose, but I didn't care. Daddy darted a glance to his door, which I left open, and into the rest of the portable where Michael was still shuffling around at his desk. I was sure he heard every word to this point. I closed the door and repeated, "Enough for what?"

"Enough to settle our debts and set aside some money for you and your sister."

That struck me. "What about you? How much are you getting out of this?"

"Nothing," he said peering at me oddly. "My retirement and military pension cover my expenses. The money is yours and Marissa's."

I blinked a few times. "But you said you wanted to travel..."

"Your mother and I have decided to sell the house, and buy a vacation home on the coast."

"You're leaving, too?!"

My Own Worst Nightmare (Sample only; full version available at stories live. Discover now