Second Chances | Irimi Kaya

Start from the beginning

"Kaya..?" You called out, hesitantly taking a few steps towards the girl hunched over in the alley. "Are you okay? You should have told me you were sick... I wouldn't have pushed you into eating..." 

'Just don't think about it. If you don't think about it, the possibility just gets smaller, no?' You thought, desperately praying this wasn't a sign of what you thought it was. 

Your girlfriend simply threw up more of the human food, clutching her stomach. She should really come clean after this, but... She was still scared of the possibility of you being disgusted by her true nature. 

"Listen, honey, tell me what's wrong. I'll go get some medicine-" 

"No, medicine won't work." Kaya cut you off, wiping bile off of the side of her face. 


"(Y/N)... You know perfectly well why this happened." Irimi stated, swallowing her fears (and more oncoming sick) and deciding to come clean. 

You, on the other hand, only flinched and looked at the ground, your left hand shaking uncontrollably. 

'Rin told me. One push of the button and they'll be coming... But... She's my- No, she's a ghoul, nothing more, and this is my job. I could be killed for this...' You took a deep breath before pressing the tiny button, probably alerting the CCG that she was indeed a ghoul. 

"I'm sorry..." You whimpered. You had ten minutes before they'd get here. 

Kaya let her head fall. She should have expected this. She pictured it in her mind countless of times, but it still stung. It still stung that with a nearly insignificant movement of your hand, you had sealed her fate, and she simply let it happen. 

"It's okay. I forgive you." She stated, forcing a small smile on her lips and looking up to meet your heartbroken gaze. "I have to pay for my sins, anyways." 

One look at her face and you regretted your decision. This girl loved you and you loved her back, so why did you sell her out so easily? Because you were scared of death? Of being found out? Of lying? 

You felt your heart clench as you attempted to recollect yourself and think this through. The CCG had always been second when it comes to her, so why did you press that button? Because it was easier. Because flexing a few muscles in your hand was easier than walking away knowing you were lying to the organization that took you in and helped you become the person you are today. 

"If anyone has to pay for their sins, its me." You muttered, earning a confused gaze from your girlfriend. "We have seven minutes until they get here, and I'm sorry for pressing that button, but you can still make it out." 


"Listen, Kaya. I need you to hurt me. You have to harm me enough to make me incapable of fighting you, and I'll tell them you knew what was going on and ran away. I need you to go into hiding, and stay there for a long while, okay? I know I made your life ten times more difficult right now, but I want to try and make things right." You took a deep breath to try and calm your racing heart. This was going to hurt, but it'll be worth it. 

"I can't hurt you. I promised-" 

"You'll only hurt me physically. I'll be okay emotionally, I promise." A silence settled between you, and you broke it to try and speed up the process. "Just try and make it quick? Maybe don't incapacitate me for life, too." You teased. 

"You'll still be able to do your job, I promise." She answered, giving you a dry chuckle. 

You closed your eyes, it might be easier that way for her, and opened up your arms, welcoming her to do what she needed to. 

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