"Who are you?" Those three little words hit me deep.

"Miss (L/n) this is the man that brought you here. He is your boyfriend." A nurse said as she walked in the room and the two doctors left.

"Wait what... No he's not, I dont have a boyfriend. Where's my mom I need to talk to her." Her voice was so quiet I was barely to keep up with what she was saying.

"He is Miss, he will also be taking you back home." The nurse walked closer to (Y/n) as she began to check her vitals.


"No buts miss, now hurry and change." After the nurse checked and knew she was fine she walked to me. "Make sure to change her bandages once a week, also remember to let it air out a bit other wise it won't heal. Do it preferably at night." Without even letting me say anything she just walked out. I looked back to (Y/n) and saw her already done changing.

"Are we gonna go?" Not saying anything I grabbed her hand and looked around to make sure no one was watching. Finally noticing the coast was clear I teleported back home.

The moment we were in the living room (Y/n) turned to me.

"WHAT WAS THAT! DID WE JUST TELEPORT!" Her jaw hung wide open and could see a hint of excitement in her eyes. I chuckled under my breath as it still is my same (Y/n) just without her memories. Closing my eyes I walked over to couch and laid down.

"Yeah." Making my voice sound conpletely calm I focused on trying to take a short nap. That was until something sat on top of me. "OOOOF." Did she gain weight? My eyes shot open at the new weight on top of me and was faced with sparkling (E/c) eyes.

"WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO?!!" Since when was she this loud. Rubbing my temples I tried to shift myself into a comfortable position as she was straddling me. Deciding just to sit up I looked at her again.

"Other things as well, since I am a vampire." Her face went blank and before I knew it she tackled me.

"YOU'RE A VAMPIRE!! THAT'S SO COOL, AND YOU'RE REALLY SUPPOSED TO BE MY BOYFRIEND. HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY!!" I thought my ears were gonna bleed from her screaming right near them.

"Yes, now mind not screaming."

"Bite me." Well that caught me off gaurd.


"You look exhausted and hungry, plus I want to know what it feels like." Just when I was about to decline Ayato appeared out from no where.

"If you wanna know what it feels like I could do it." (Y/n's) weight was lifted off of me as Ayato held her from behind. His teeth grazing the side of her neck, and just when he was about to sink them in I moved swiftly snatching her from his hold.

"Hands off my girl. My girl, my blood get your own." I growled as I took (Y/n's) hand and teleported to my room on my bed.

"So will you drink my blood?" Sighing in defeat I grabbed her arm and slid her on my lap.

"Are you sure?" I whispered and she quickly nodded her head. Moving her hair to the side I planted gentle kisses on her soft skin. I made my way to her shoulder and licked the spot before gently piercing the tender skin. Taking tiny gulps I felt her arms wrap themselves around my neck. Little by little I took bigger gulps. I can feel her move a bit as I slid my fangs out licking up the access blood. She looked drained of energy as she opened her mouth.

"Shu..." I haven't told her my name, and no one else told it to her.

"You remember... That was quick" I mumbled the last part, while I was trying to not give myself false hope.

"Mhmm, Thank you Shu." It took everything out of me not to squish her to death. How she got her memories back from me just drinking her blood, I don't know but what I do is that I'm definitely not letting go.

"You look tired do you wanna take a nap." I quickly moved ourselves so we were both laying down. It didn't take long as she closed her eyes and drifted off, me about to chase right after her.

Happy Scenario:

I was met with a wide grin on each of their faces and I ran up to them.

"So she's okay?" I didnt want to ve bombarded with false hope as I kept praying that you were okay.

"Surprisingly she is even better than okay, her surgery went smoothly, eventually the major bleeding had stopped and she's almost good as new. We don't know what went on with her speedy recovery but she will be fine. You can discharge her tomorrow." The male doctor said with a very happy expression as I breathed a sigh of relief. A thought bubbled up in my head.

"Can I see her?" The doctor nodded his head and gave me directions to her room. The walk was quiet and the hallway smelled of medicine. Once I finally reached the room I slowly twisted the doorknob and entered the room, closing the door behind me. I looked at her frail body on the bed as she layed on the bed asleep. The expression on her face made me want to melt at how adorable she actually looked. Walking to the side of her I sat myself down on the chair that was there. Sliding my hand to hold hers I felt her warm touch, 'oh how I missed this feeling'. Although it had only been a day it felt like forever with all these events happening at once. I didn't realize she woke up staring at me until she spoke barely above a whisper, but still able to interrupt my thoughts.

"You're here." The way her voice was crushed me as I sounded hoarse as if she coughed her voice away.

"Go to sleep." She needed her energy if she was going to go back home tomorrow.

"But then yo-"

"I said go to sleep." Without another word she nodded her head and closed her eyes. I knew she was trying to fight back falling asleep because only a few seconds later she was already sleeping. I can feel her hand hold on to mine tighter as her warmth enclosed itself around my hand. I layed my head on the little space on the bed as my eyes slowly closed and I fell into deep slumber.

It wasnt until the sunlight peaking through the curtains hitting my face that I woke up. Y/n was still sleeping so I decided to go sign the papers the check her out. The process didn't take too long, but when I got back Y/n was up.

"Where did you go?" Her voice was slightly better but still quite hoarse.

"I went to check you out, so lets go home." Her face beamed at the thought of her going home which made me feel happy inside to see her like that.

"Wait, I don't have any clothes to change into." I peaked my head to the halls to see if anyone was coming and closed the door, quickly returning to Y/n's side. I held on to her hand and teleported us back home.

Immediately we entered my dark room. Walking over to the switch I flipped it on as I went to my bed and flopped down. As I went to look at Y/n she seemed to be pouting.

"I need to go to my room to change." She grumbled as I only smirked.

"Why can't you just change into my clothes." I can see the blush tainting her cheeks red as she turned around and headed to my closet. I watched intently as she grabbed my sweater and turned around to me.

"Turn around." I chuckled as I turned away as she changed. Patiently waiting I heard the closet doors close. Turning back around I noticed the my sweater looked like an oversized dress on her.

"It's really big." My eyebrows raised.

"Is that a problem?" I asked looking up and down.

"No." she whispered as she shuffled closer to the bed. It wasn't till she was about a foot away from the bed that I sat up and pulled her towards me.

"You look good in my clothes." Her lips curled up as she smiled cutely. God damn she knew how to make me fall. She sat on my lap as I cupped her cheeks. She leaned closer and right before I pecked her lips I could feel her breath hitting my lips. The simple thing almost made me want to smash my lips on to hers but I didn't. After pecking her I layed her down with me as we cuddled together. It only took a little while since she falls to sleep very quickly. I was soon falling asleep as well until I realized the lights were still on and Y/n was holding on tightly.

"Damn it."

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