Unlike the name Lia Sharpe, which brought fear to the people who knew the name all too well, Wesley Simmons was a name that may bring a smile to someone's face. On the other hand, Lia Sharpe was a name that'd make you feel glum and a name that'd make your heart skip two beats instead of one.

Who knew that the one with the most fire and anger in their eyes would be the woman instead of the man. It was usually the other way around but not in this situation. Their gender didn't define a thing about what feelings rushed over the people who heard their names or saw a picture of them. Even worse, seeing them in person—that is, if it's Lia. If a person saw Lia in public, strutting up to them like there was no tomorrow, there was either something terribly wrong that was about to happen or Lia was just trying to get by. Nobody ever knew which one so they feared ever encountering her.

Meeting Wesley Simmons would be a dream for anyone. Unless you hate him for no good reason, you'd be glad to see the man in public. The charitable man would give to the poor and take pictures with his so-called fans—not that he had a fan base though. He was just overall a friendlier person, even if Lia would donate every now and then to charities and to the people in need. His face was more welcoming than Lia's and the two knew that for a fact.

"I've been informed that this meeting is about," I slightly gazed down at the paper in front of me, trying to remind myself what this meeting was for, "wanting to purchase one of my properties."

He approved of what I had said. "Yes, that is correct. As I've heard, you've been looking for someone to buy it."

"Yes, yes, I have. Just to clear things up, which one of my properties will it be? I have a couple for sale so it gets confusing." I justified myself.

He cleared his throat before placing a file in front of himself and sliding it towards my direction. "Please, look through this."

I lifted my hands and made my way to the file. I picked it up and pulled it closer to me, now overlapping my own file. I opened the yellow folder and looked at the printed sheets of paper. The first one was all I really needed to see since it had the bar he was interested in, along with the information on it. I skimmed through the other papers a bit too fast and didn't bother trying to ask him what the rest was about.

"Ah, okay, I see."


Tom stood in front of the door of a place he forbid himself to go to while he was moving in with Lia. He didn't want them to question why he was moving so he thought of a whole excuse and conversation in his head. He prepared himself for, basically, every single question that could be asked. He had every word prepared in his head and breathed in as he pushed the doorbell. He heard a ring and waited at the door for someone to answer.

He heard footsteps and because he lived with these people for most of his life, he knew who was coming to the door. It was his brother, Sam. He knew that Sam would ask him why he was there and what he wanted so he took the brief five seconds to think of what he'd say.

"Mate, why're you here?"

"Just picking up some things that I left behind. Kinda realized that I left a shit ton here." It wasn't a lie because that was partially why he was there.

The main reason was because if he wasn't allowed to bring much to Lia's, such as his bed and wardrobe, the least he could do was try and find small personal items to take with him. Even if Lia had a bed and wardrobe set for Tom since she had a lot of spare bedrooms, Tom wanted to personalize the space so it could feel more like home to him. If he was going to move to a complete different area, the least he could do was make himself comfortable.

Mysterious Love - T.H. (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now