Holiday with a baby?

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Natasha's POV:

I did not wanna show Steve how much I was hurting. Gracie is exactly what I imagined my daughter to be like, except I could never conceive a child, because of the red room. My whole life is misery because of the red room. But when I look at Steve with the baby, I just have to smile. The legendary Captain America feeding a baby on a flight to a holiday destination. It just seems so odd, but on the other hand, a baby fits Steve and he really does care.  

As we made half of the flight, Steve and Gracie were both asleep. Suddenly Gracie woke up and started crying, but Steve wasn't woken up by this and I didn't wanna wake him so after a while I just took the crying baby in my arms and tried to calm her down. I whispered in her ear that it was going to be alright. And at some point, she stopped crying and I could've sworn that she was smiling at me.   Okay, I can't deny that she's kinda cute. No, in fact, she's even cuter than Lila was and I never thought I'd say that. She has big hazel eyes and a lot of dark brown hair. She's maybe a little smaller than normal babies, but I can't understand why her parents left her.

 When I got the mission call, I hacked the orphanage data bank and found out that someone found Gracie on a park bench with a note from her mother which said, that she only gave birth to the baby because it was too late to have an abortion and that neither her or her husband wanted a child. Gracie was found almost starved by a man who brought her to the orphanage. I mean, how could you do that? The mother could've just left her daughter in the hospital instead of letting her almost starve to death in a park. In the orphanage, she's just one in a hundred babies, she didn't even have a name. 

'But at least she wasn't given to a  brutal institution like the red room. And at this point, I couldn't fight it anymore. I felt responsible for this girl in the next 2 months. I would care for her, so she'd have it better than me, at least for a couple of weeks. As a child, the only thing I wanted to be is to feel wanted or even loved. 

I had Gracie still in my arms, she was now peacefully awake and smiling while trying to grasp a strand of my brown hair, I dyed it darker for the mission and so did Steve, he even put on some glasses. Speaking of Steve, I heard a chuckle from my left. "Are you spying on me, Rogers?" I asked him sternly, but he laughed. "No, just enjoying the rare view of Black Widow smiling at another human being." He told me. "As always, extremely funny Steve. Besides what are our undercover names?" I asked him. " Sebastian and Mary Jones." he answered. "A married couple, seriously!?" I sighed, but I wasn't seriously annoyed by the fact, I mean who wouldn't like to be married to Captain America himself? 

 Even though this tendency probably isn't mutual, no one would like to be married to a killer like me. Anyways we've got three more hours to go until Hawaii and honestly, I'm a bit excited for the two months to come.

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