New school

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Colby: It's my new day at Rosewood high school,and I'am already regretting this.

Nobody: As Colby walks to the front of the school,he finds this attractive man,he thought he seemed popular. Colby walked passed him.

Colby: He smelled good.
Nobody: While Colby was being a creep the "attractive" guy gave him a smile.Colby's face turned bright red. But the attractive guy saw.

???:woah are you ok? Your face turned bright red.
Colby:YEAH I'm good
???:umm hi I'm Kyra and we need to go to class 858
Colby: oh that's where I need to go too.
Kyra: oh ok follow us.
Nobody:while Kyra and attractive guy walked beside each other Colby walked behind them.
Kyra: Oh I forgot to tell you something,this is my boyfriend,his name Brennen.
Colby: Dang it he is already taken.
Nobody: As Colby walks to a table he see's a crowd of people.
Crowd of people: FIGHT FIGHT
Nobody: Colby pushes threw the crowd and see's Brennen and some nerd...they were fighting.Colby gets in the middle of the fight and...GETS PUNCHED BY BRENNEN.
Nobody: Colby's nose started bleeding,Brennen rushes to get a napkin and puts the napkin on his nose. They look deep into there eyes and both blushes. Kyra runs to Brennen with a jealousy face.
Kyra: BRENNEN! Are you cheating on me with,with HIM YOUR NOT GAY!!
Brennen: Umm I'm not gay I was just helping him.
Nobody: Brennen secretly puts a pice a paper in Colby's jeans and runs away. 3 hours later. Colby walks home and Brennen catches up with him.
Brennen: Hey I put a secret paper in your pocket.
Nobody: Brennen grabs his butt and runs home, Colby blushes. Colby gets home and runs up to his bedroom,takes out paper
Colby: It's his number. I should call him.
Nobody: He calls Brennen.
Brennen over the phone: hey Colby how ya doing.
Colby: how can he act natural when he grabbed meh butt. Umm I'm doing good
Brennen: good umm do u like wanna umm like go to my house today, and play truth or dare.
Colby: Umm sure oh god I'm gonna be eaten.
Nobody: At Brennens house.
Brennen: Hey your here now let's get those drinks.
Colby: Oh ok I'm a miner.
Brennen: Here this is one of my favorite,it's Vodka.
Colby: yum....
Nobody: Few min later...drunk. Colby grabs Brennens hand and go's to Brennens room.Closes the door and strips down Brennen. Brennen does the same to thing to Colby. Brennen licks Colby's nipple.
Colby: I like it.
Nobody: Colby sucks you know what and gives it a hickey.
Brennen: Keep going I like rough
Nobody: Next day,at school. Colby walks pass Brennen making no eye contact
Brennen: Wait,sorry about yesterday.
Colby: It's fine.
Kyra: What are you guys talking about.
Brennen: Nothing
Nobody: They all go to class.........Brennen throws a piece of paper at Colby. Colby gets it and reads the paper. It says " hey wanna meet me at the bleachers today at lunch?" Colby nods.
Colby: where is he?
Brennen: Hey!
Colby: ahhh
Nobody: They start talking and this happens. ;)
Colby: So Brennen do you like wanna.......

Guess what happens next...

                    GO LOOK AT PART TWO!!!                     Guess what happens next

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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