With sudden authority, he scolded, "Acacia, it has come to my attention, you didn't keep an eye on the deed—the seal—as I implied. I'd hate to say it's your fault but since I'm helping you there is no reason to lag in responsibilities. What have you done to him? What have you done to the ancestral seal?"

"It has come to your attention? What suddenly gives you my grandma's authority?" The reed players suddenly become distracted and flew off tempo, disturbing the birds that have flown in and swirled about the ceiling. She wished there was time to be awed. Everything in her life connected at that moment. Instead, the quarrel gave her newfound authority.

"How do you assume I am unaware of Conrad running away before many? How do you even know about the whereabouts of the fruit—the deed? We have lost the fruit, but I assure you—the secret is safe with me. Would it make me more responsible to turn my back and kill him? Your responsibilities rebound on me, Kazimir. And you know me, I wouldn't kill him."

Has Jan or Anton Drought influenced my friend? I am amazed that Kazimir wasn't amazed at the amaranthine temple. We didn't have seas in Domain either; rivers, yes, but from Daphne's tales, those who have reached sea have never been found again and from evidence of the boats washed ashore, those who have returned turned up empty or mute. But finally, Kazimir decides to drop the case I so graciously and so forcefully accepted his help with.

"Aye, ah! My head hurts. It's no time for silly matters when it is high tide for another coming war. I know you didn't kill him, Acacia..." Kazimir reached into his robes for a conspicuous telescope, "and I know because of the deed, and since I live here I am part of the deed, the living flesh of the deed, and no matter where you hide the deed I continue to be a part of it and what's dealt with it affects me. We are both cursed. And although I never knew your grandmother as well as yourself, I am led to her calling. I study the stars day and night (after calculus of course) and I am no less ignorant than you." Kazimir seemed to be in Acropolis longer than Acacia thought by how much he appeared to know. He became more frightening and uptight. "We grew up together and now we share everything together, yet, I was given the talent to see into urgent matters overseas as High Priest, under Daphne and the elders' consent. Too many questions you ask like the jurors and so fewer answers you will have."

Kazimir waited for a response. Acacia now wasn't sure what she wanted as she looked at the furrowed expression of his brow tinted with longing. Until this moment, nothing in her life had been foretold, but now Kazimir presented her future. He changed as much in a few days as he did in years.

Too many secrets you did keep of yourself...even from yourself.

"You kept so much from me! I thought we were friends. You're lucky I'm lucky to be here or I'll turn my back on you!" she whipped her head back and feigned haughty, holding her nose up high and crossing her arms. But something interrupted her.

Outside there lingered a beautiful yet suspicious looking town's lady. Her hair was sun-colored, her skin dark, yet rosy, blaring eyes like the sea. The lady's ancient yet modern outfit and twisted, algae hair and expression made her look lost.

Did she step out of the wake?

Acacia, without delay, ran outside while Kazimir cautiously treaded her path.

"You were once a questionable juror. And to clarify, Kazimir, I can lock you up in a cage of thorns like I did in Grandma's story." Acacia grabbed his neck in a cobra-like headlock, half-heartedly in a tease.

The corner of his lips teased. "I never said you had any less say or power than I do but remember to never let Jan's wine reach anyone's lips. His long stupors could steep anyone into another war, surely you remember the rumors," he gasped and choked. "The guardian spirit Conrad retains obscurity, but he doesn't know how to use wards. Jason could have got to him! That's what I was trying to say!" His voice reminded her of Conrad's mysterious compassion. She had too many questions to ask. "As new priest appointed by your family, I can find him. He can't be a spirit! He can't be dead!"

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