"I, I like you too." He managed to say. I smiled. 

"Then I guess this is a thing. Us. Now I'm going to go shower." I smiled, leaving Peter on the bed, speechless.


We walked to breakfast together with Korey behind us. I sat down with Nat and Peter sat next to me. 

"You two are getting along well I see." She teased. I glared at her. 

"We have become good friends, yes," I said. Wanda looked over at me, raising her eyebrow.

"I saw you laying on him. I came in to see if you were asleep and there you were. It was adorable." I blushed slightly. 

"Don't tell anyone." I didn't want Dad finding out, he'd go all overprotective Dad on me and Peter and I don't know if I could deal with that. 

"So are you two a thing yet?" I smiled at Wanda. 

"Maybe." I could tell she was trying not to freak out.

"Have you kissed yet?" I looked at my food, eating some, trying to avoid eye contact. Wanda knew that meant yes. She let out a small squeal. Everyone stared at her. 

"Заткнись!" I hissed. Then I realised what I had said. I gasped, putting my hand to my mouth. Sometimes I thought in Russian so Wanda couldn't understand me, but this was different. Weird.  Nat looked at me, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"What does that mean?" Bruce asked. I looked at the ground. 

"What language is it?" Steve questioned. Bucky and Natasha looked at me knowingly.

"It means shut up," Bucky said. Steve looked at him, confused. 

"It's Russian," Nat explained. Everyone looked at me confused. 

"You know Russian?" Dad asked. I nodded. 

"It's not the best, but essentially, yes."

Nat turned to me. (If it's got ¬ instead of ", it's in Russian.) 

¬Where did you learn to speak Russian?¬ She asked.

 ¬I spent a year in a secure location, quite a few of the people could only speak Russian so I had to be taught it.¬ I explained. She tilted her head.

 ¬What do you mean secure location?¬ I played with my hands, I didn't particularly like talking about it. 

¬I'd prefer not to disclose that information.¬ Nat nodded, understanding.

¬So, Wanda told me about how you and Peter fell asleep last night.¬ Nat said, teasingly. Wanda and Peter's heads shot up when they heard their names, they narrowed their eyes at us, confused.

 ¬It was nothing.¬ I tried to shrug it off but Nat wasn't having it. 

¬You two are a thing, aren't you?¬ Nat smiled. I nodded. 

¬Have you kissed?¬ Bucky interjected. Everyone stared at him. He shrugged. 

"What, I speak Russian. I wasn't going to just sit there and not listen in." I rolled my eyes.

¬Yes Bucky, we've kissed. I've kissed Peter Parker.¬

Dad spat out his coffee. 

"You what?" He asked. I looked at him, confused. "After Bucky joined in I decided to get Friday to translate since it must have been some juicy gossip," Dad explained. I rolled my eyes. Of course, Dad would do that. 

"I'm sorry, what exactly did Violet do?" Sam asked.

"She kissed Peter."

Me and Peter both turned bright red and Korey came walking over from his food. I smiled down at him. I laughed, scratching the back of my neck. 

¬How're you going to get out of this one?¬ Bucky laughed. I glared at him. 

"Mr Stark, with all, do respect I kissed her first." Peter piped up. 

"Stay out of this kid," Dad warned. Peter shut up.

*What were you thinking?* Dad signed. I gasped. (If it's * instead of ", then it's in sign language) 

"Yep, that's right. I know you know sign language." Rhodey looked lost. 

"Why do you know sign language?" He questioned, confused. 

"My social anxiety used to be so bad that I had selective mutism, so I signed instead because it was easier," I explained.

*Why did you kiss Peter?* Dad asked, signing furiously. I sighed. 

*I like him. And he likes me. If you can't deal with that, then that's your problem.* I replied. My signing was clear and calm, but my intentions were more aggressive. 

*I don't like this, I don't allow it.* I sighed. 

*Well you're going to have to deal with it.*


We were all watching a movie together in the cinema room, my head was on Peter's shoulder and we were holding hands. I could tell that Dad wasn't happy with it and there was a lot of tension between us. Nat snuck over to me and took me out of the room, into the corridor. Korey followed along with me.

"Can we talk about the 'secure location' now?" She asked. I sighed, nodding. 

"But just in case people hear, can we talk in Russian?" Nat nodded.

 ¬Okay. So, first things first, why where you in the secure location in the first place?¬ She questioned. I shrugged. 

¬I don't really know. Some guy just came to my door and told me I would be safer and happier there. My Mum didn't care, she just wanted me gone. You should have seen her face when I came back.¬

¬You said you spent a year there, what exactly did you do in that year?¬ Nat inquired. I sighed. 

¬It was a lot of tests. A lot of needles, a lot of electro pads and a lot of physiological examinations.¬ I explained. 

¬I didn't know what they were for, I didn't understand what was going on. I was 11 for God's sake, I just shut up and let them get on with what they were doing.¬

Nat looked at me, concerned.

 ¬Violet, do you think those people were Hydra?¬ She suggested. I was shocked. 

¬They couldn't be, could they? What would they want with me? Maybe they knew about my Dad and they wanted to see if I had his powers so they could use me as a weapon. Holy shit, they wanted to make me into another Winter soldier.¬ I rambled, speaking my thoughts aloud. I was gobsmacked.

¬At least now you have something in common with Bucky.¬ Nat said, trying to lighten up the situation. I glared at her. 

¬Sorry, not the time for jokes.¬

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