(5) Conserving Magic

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  • Gewidmet all of my readers

~ Dedicated to all of my readers ~

Chapter Five ~ Conserving Magic

I didn’t get out of my bed for the majority of the next day. There was nothing more I could do than lie under my blankets and cry for hours. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t forget those screams. Unlike all the others I had heard over the years, these were different. Very, very different.

Before, I believed that justice was being rightfully brought to criminals that had commited major crimes and endangered our city. But now? How could I believe that when I witnessed a child being murdered?

No one should be capable of that cruelty.

I heard a loud knock.

Ignoring it, I turned over and buried my head deeper into my pillow.

Knock, knock.

I let out a sound of aggravation and finally got out of bed. I managed to stumble to the door and fling it open. Standing outside my door was a young messenger.

“Yes?” I asked sharply.

The boy shifted from one foot to the other, glancing up at me cautiously. “Hello, miss. Are you Mailandria?”


“Here is your support payment for this month,” he said, handing me a bag of coins.


“You also have a message from the Institute regarding your education,” he said, handing me a letter. “I’m afraid it’s a few days late; you weren’t in when I came to deliver it before.”

I’m so distanced I don’t even nod when I take the letter and close the door on the messenger. I throw the bag onto a nearby table and tear open the letter carefully. Inside is a crisp parchment, stamped with the official seal of the Institute of Magic.

Student Mailandria,

               It is our greatest pleasure to invite you to a full term of magical education here at the Institute of Magic. The month prior to this was dedicated to exercises created by our esteemed senior mentors, and were solely conducted for the observation of your magic abilities. We are pleased to announce that you have passed the tests and are eligible for proper training in the magical arts.

               Here at the Institute of Magic, we provide only the best…

I skimmed over the benefits of joining the Institute; I already knew all the minor details. All children grow up longing for the rare gift of magic, and all hear some of the wonderful rumors of the Institute’s grandeur.

               Please report back to the Institute as soon as possible for confirmation of your term of magical education. Meetings will be held at the Institute’s main building for the next three days at noon.


                                                       Aldinarii Redway

                                                       Senior Mentor

I blinked, trying to feel elated about the amazing news. I had gotten into the Institute. Shouldn’t I feel happy? Closing my eyes, I let out a deep breath. No. I felt hollow and empty inside after witnessing what I had last night. It felt as if I would never feel happiness again.

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