Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I had just joined the Robotica Resistance, Squadron 7457, a special squadron that has been trained to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the Robotica's government, and bring them down from the inside. We were shipped out, and arrived, disguised as Robotica, with our own Identification Numerals, and our own Living Compartments. The Resistance had given us contacts with that signature white ring around the pupils. I had just been assigned my Living Compartment, and had been exploring my Community. The Community was Community 12, one of the closest Communities to the Centre, where President Cooldred, his human wife Yokaria, and their daughter Aisla lived. I had only seen the video footage of President Cooldred making speeches to the Robotica Public, and photos of Yokaria, who was considered a traitor for loving a Robotica. But no one, not even an actual Robotica has seen Aisla, who was kept under lock and key. No one could name their child Aisla, out of respect of the reclusive girl, and anyone who had that name when she was born mysteriously disappeared. No one knew anything about her. Which, in a way, was how I found her.

As I explored, I saw the Metallic Trees and Glitter Bushes, very shiny and flashy, and not at all biotic. Very artificial. As I was distracted, I ran into the most beautiful young woman I have ever seen. Vibrant red hair that flowed around her face in waves, deep, clear brown eyes with the white ring that glowed so

brightly, and a face of a goddess.

"Oh, I'm so terribly sorry, Sir." She said so politely. The Robotica were known for being polite. Along with deadly.

"Oh, the accident was my fault. I was distracted by the Glitter Bushes. I'm Ashur." I said, sticking out my hand to shake.

"I'm Aisla." She said, slipping up.

"Miss Aisla, President Cooldred's daughter? How come you aren't under lock and key in the Presidential Mansion?" I asked.

"Because I'm tired of being unseen. I have never seen a Glitter Bush or a Crystal Flower, and I have never been to a Community other than the President Community. You are the first Robotica I have ever met other than my father. But, please do not alert the authorities. I cannot go back now." She begged.

"I won't." I whispered.

"I thank you. Do you happen to know where I could obtain a Living Compartment?" she asked.

"You could ask the Central Processing Unit for one, but you would be sent back to your father. How about you stay in mine?" I replyed.

"I thank you." She said. And so we went back to my Living Compartment.

The Living Compartment 5106 was a small, two bedroom, one bathroom area with a small gathering place and kitchenette. We entered, and I directed her to her room. She changed into the pajamas she had taken from her home, and promptly fell asleep. I watched her peaceful breathing, then went to my room, changed into my pajamas, and went to sleep.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 06, 2010 ⏰

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