Chapter 1,1. Somebody, save me!

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       Rachel sat smoking on the window sill in the female restroom. Another schoolday almost caused her to vomit, even though it was the last lesson she had to be in. Young Ms Brown hated the school with all her heart. All this hate was because of Henry Bowers. And this is why. It all began, when Rachel started a romance with the school's main bully. Henry Bowers is a psycho and a hooligan along with his lunatic friends - Patrick, Victor and Blech. Many other girls wanted him, followed him around, gave him sweets, filled his mail box with love confessions and romantic heart cards. But Rachel was the only one existing for him. They were dating already for a bit more than a year, but Bowers was trying to get her for more than two years. Rachel couldn't understand what Henry could possibly find in her. There is so many beauties running saying, but he chose her. And in the beginning their relationship was going fairly good. Henry would give her parents, sweets, would be gentle with hugging and kissing, would always compliment her. But then everything changed. Henry suddenly became rude to Rachel. He would be jealous of her best friends which caused them to quarrel. He would control where, with whom and for how long she would hang out and would repeatedly beat her if she disobeyed him or did something wrong. But the most horrible thing happened after. Bowers raped the poor girl. He just brutally stole her virginity and from that point it happened every single day after school. He'd demand her to come to his house, but if she didn't, he would break into hers and would cruelly rape her, saying that she's his slut and will forever remain that. Rachel had no other choice, than to take this.

    Rachel Brown - is a meek and a quiet young woman from am unwealthy family. In young age she was abandoned by her mother. Rachel lives with her grandmother, that owns a little shop in the middle of the town, which goes down in its profit. This was a perfect occasion for Henry to get into a power of attorney. Bowers entirely provides Rachel with expensive clothes, makeup, perfume. He helps her grandma worth her heart treatment, not being shy or scared to steal the money from his daddy. Ms Brown knew from then, she was trapped. Since then her grandma thinks Henry a wonderful person and is quite in favor of the two dating. But, she would get a heart attack if she knew, what was really happening. Rachel obeys Henry in watever he wants her to do, even though she does not like it. She can't go against him, since she'll get another beating. Sometimes, Rachel wanted to tell Henry, that she's breaking up with him, but after the thought she would just laugh at herself. How the f*ck is she gonna do that? Even if she did, she might also count herself a dead body. Many people did not understand, how Bowers is dating someone like Brown. Although the girl was very beautiful. Her brown, slightly curly hair till her shoulder blades, big brown eyes, medium sized breasts,a litle plump lips, round butt, slim waist and legs. Henry would always all her to go out with him to club parties, where she stood out like a sore thumb. Rachel would much rather like to read a book or watch her TV series about true love. But if she asked him to stay at home, he would scream at her till she would go.

       It was 15 minuets tilln the end of the lesson the brown- haired was bunking. Exellent, she'll have time to smoke another cigarette. She couldn't remember the time she started bunking and smoking. Rachel never told grandma anything about her school life. Taking another puff she noticed her phone ringing receiving calls from her grandma. Sighning, she took the call.

  - "Hi, Granny "- she said.

  - "Hi, Rachey. Are you home soon?"-asked her grandma.

-"It's the last lesson, and then me and Henry are going to his place."   At that point Rachel started tearing up.  She knew she would have to deal with a brutal intercourse.

- "Oh, okay then. Just don't be ther for too long. Or just stay over night.

-"Okay grandma. Bye."

       Stopping the phonecall, Rachel dopped a few tears. It was so painful to lie to her grandma about her happiness with Henry. She threw the cigarette butt in the bin, put some chewing gum on her mouth and walked to the mirror. Her usual white silk dress with a jean jacket  and white sneakers. Her face having a bit of makeup on, her silky and a bit pale skin. 

     Rachel came out of school to wate for her boyfriend. She wanted so badly for him to let her off. She knew she hoped for nothing. The brunette looked around when she saw the Loser Club - kids that Henry would always pick on. They would always look at Rachel with pity. They seemed to be the only once to notice, her unhappiness with dating Bowers. Suddenly her eyes cling to one particular member - Stan Uris. He was quite unique. The brown-haired continued staring til she was clawed by her shoulder and turned around.

-"Hi babe"- said Henry in a disgusting manner-"Where have you been? I missed you." Not being shy, Henry stuck his had under Rachel's dress. -"I just felt a bit sick, I was at the nurse's." Bowers leaded her by a hand to the car followed by his gang.With a back of her eye, she noticed the glances of the Losers making her feel ashamed. Oh god , she felt so ashamed! 

   The gang took thekr usual seats in the car. Henry sat in the front seat pulling Rachel on

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