I: Encounter

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The boy with a pair of heterochromia eyes stuck on the television screen in the lobby of Immigration Bureau Centre. The television shows an advertisements of the new electronic product by one of the famous brand in Japan.

"Jiro!" suddenly a voice called out the boy's name. He turn around, to see two boys; one with red and blue varsity jacket and another one in a dark blue uniform, already stand a few hundred meters from him.

The boy with a cap panics to see his brothers had left him. Quickly, he packs his bag, throw his Chuouku permits that he just applied into his bag, then rush towards his brothers. Without looking around, he slings his backpack and bumped into someone at his back.

"Ah!!" yelp the woman that bumped by Jiro, her stuffs drop and scattered on the floor.

Realizing that was his mistake, he quickly help the woman to pick the stuffs. Meanwhile, his brothers witness the incident only able sighs, then they come to help clean up the mess cause by their brother.

"What are you doing, Jiro? Can't you be careful next time?" grumble Ichiro, help picking up the stuffs.

"I-I'm sorry!" Jiro panics as he picking up the papers and stuff on the floor. Saburo sighs, as he pick one of the card on the floor and read it.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to her" order Ichiro. Jiro look at the woman that he bumped into, which also in middle picking up her stuff.

"I'm so sorry" apologize Jiro.

"No, it's my mistake for didn't look around while on call just--" the woman lift up her face, look at the brothers. She dumbstruck.

"O-oh, what a surprise to see the Yamadas?" Ichiro in middle of arrange the papers, lift his head, looking at the woman.

She consider quite tall than average woman in Japan, around 166 cm, with a pair of green eyes and black hair that she bun up, wears a white suit with black blouse underneath, and black tote handbag hanging on her right side.

"Pardon?" Puzzled Jiro. "Do we know?"

"She didn't know you, she know Ichi-nii" suddenly Saburo cut Jiro's word, while he took stuffs in Jiro's hand, combine up with his before hand it to Ichiro. Jiro just glared at Saburo.

Ichiro walk towards her, hand in back her stuffs to her. "I'm sorry about my brother's clumsiness" said Ichiro, bow down a bit. Jiro clumsily goes to the woman, and bow down as well.

"Nah, it's also my fault for not aware my surrounding while answering a call" denied the woman, bow down for apologized as well.

"Um, are you guys free?" Ichiro and Jiro lifted their head, look at the woman in puzzle.

"If you are...why don't we grab a lunch?" Ichiro frowns, "Um, I afraid I need to refuse..."

"No worry, it's my treat"

They speechless when heard the offer.


They went to the nearest cafe, it's quite high class premises for Yamada brothers to spend their money. They awed by the cafe's interior.

"Umm, miss..."

"Kurusu" replied the woman, pulling one of the chair at the one of the cafe's table. They took a seat as well.

"Oh, right. I haven't introduce myself, isn't? My name is Kurusu Reiko, I'm--"

"The Marketing Officer of Public Relation Department in Cross Corporation" suddenly Saburo cut her words. Ichiro and Jiro surprised to heard that from Saburo.

"I saw your business card just now" said Saburo.

"Cross...Corporation?" Jiro repeated what Saburo just point out. Then, he remembered something.

"OHH! That Cross brand?!" He recalled the advertisment on the television just now. His loud voices draw the permise's customers attention.

"Shussh!! You being so loud, idiot!" scold Saburo to Jiro. He clumsily bow a bit, apology to the other customers.

Reiko chuckles, "Yeah, you are right, anyway" she pull out her business card from her purse and give it to Ichiro as he took the card. It's just a simple professional business card contains her name, the position in the company, the office address, email and  phone number.

"I see, so, you really work in this company...I do love your products" comment Ichiro. She smiles, "I know" as her green eyes look at the red headphone hanging on the 19 years old boy's neck.

A second later, the waitress come to their table, bringing the menu along with her. She hand in the menus before walk away. The brothers look up at the menu and drastically their faces changes.

Ichiro look at Reiko, "So, Kurusu-san...um, are you sure do you want to treat us? In this cafe?" asked Ichiro, doubt in his words.

"Yeah, why not?" asked her, while her eyes stuck on the menu in front of her.

"No, it's just..." She lift her head then realized the brothers uncomfortable reaction. At that moment, Reiko understand what Ichiro's meant.

"Oh, you worry about the price? Don't worry, it's my treat. Just order what do you want to eat," she smiles. After heard a convince respond from Reiko, Jiro and Saburo quickly look up at the menu and pick their choice of foods.

Meanwhile, Ichiro still suspicious with Reiko's intention to treat them a lunch, however, to avoid his brothers smell his doubt towards the woman they just met, he decided to order his meal.

Before she able to order her meal, suddenly, her phone rings. She asked permission to pick her phone and immediately answer them.

"Yes, Kurokawa, I'm in the cafe....huh?" She throw her sight to outside the cafe and silent for a while, her facial turn serious.

"Yes, yes,....got it" then, she end the call. She took a few notes from her purses and put on the table.

"I'm sorry, I need to go, it's urgent. Here I leave this money for the bills, okay?" She get up from her seat.

"O-oh" responded them. Before they could say more, she had make her way out of the cafe.

"Jiro, please order me Set A" suddenly Ichiro speak out. Jiro that look at the menu replied, "Yeah sure" then, Ichiro stand up and walk away.

"Ichi-nii, where are you going?" ask Saburo.

"I want properly thanks Kurusu, you guys wait here" by that, he lost from their sight.


"KURUSU-SAN!!" Reiko turn around when her surname was called out. Ichiro jog approaching her. It didn't too far from the cafe for Ichiro catch her up since she only walks, and on her heels.

"Yes, what it is, Yamada?" ask her.

"I want to thanks to you for treat us lunch" said Ichiro, bow a bit.

"Oh, that's nothing" chuckles Reiko. "Welcome anyway"

"Why do you treat us?" Reiko dumbfounded, "Eh?"

"We basically a stranger, aren't we? Why do you out of blue want to treat us, plus, at that kind of place?" Ichiro eyes look into Reiko's.

"Do you perhaps know us?"

She speechless, before she chuckles a bit. "Who knows?"

"Reiko!" A man voices call out her name. Ichiro glance at the man that called Reiko just now. He wears sunglasses in a suit with a tie of unique pattern on it.

"I need to go first..." When Ichiro about to stop her.

"Don't worry, we'll see each other again, soon..." She turn around and smiles,

"Buster Bros of Yamada Ichiro"

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