Chapter 19: I need to Run Dry...

Start from the beginning

Patrick laughed and shrugged. "Oh well. I need my beauty sleep!"

"Well you might want to go back to bed then for a few more years." Audrey laughed and went to grab a glass of water.

"Hey!" Patrick laughed a little.

Suddenly, Audrey let out a yelp as Patrick wrapped his arms around her and tickled her gently.

"No, no, no!" Audrey said through bursts of laughter.

"Apologise!" Patrick laughed.

"Never!" Audrey said through more laughter but then squirmed. "Fine! Fine! I'm sorry, okay? Pease stop tickling me!" She giggled.

Patrick stopped and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." He grinned cheekily.

(Patrick Stump | First Person)

"Oh hey, I'm going out Friday." Audrey said as she moved around the house.

"With the girls?" I asked as I played with Penny.

"Uh, no, with the guys from work; Alex and Jon." She said.

I stopped moving the rag toy around and looked up. "Really?" I said with a frown.

"Yeah, Jon's moving to New York on Sunday so it's kind of like a goodbye party." Audrey said walking into the room.

I smiled up at her. Well... That made me feel a little better. That the fact that this Jon guy was moving away. I didn't like him. It wasn't that he was dick of anything; it was because of Audrey.

He would look at her with this...look. I don't know how to explain it, but it just bugs me. He looks at her how I look at her and I don't like it.

I don't like him. And I feel as if I've seen him before but... I don't know where and that worries me.

I'm worried I may lose Audrey. I don't want to lose her. She's one of the best things to happen to me since Elisa cheated on me.

I sighed and shook my head; I was being stupid. But as she said New York, I remembered something.

"Oh, in two weeks were playing on the Jimmy Fallon show up in New York, you up for it?" I said and Audrey grinned.

"Sure." Audrey said with a large smile. "Alex wouldn't mind if I took off a couple more days. I have been working extra shifts anyway."

I grinned and quickly pecked her lips. "Now, I'll do the washing up while you find a good film on TV, sound like a plan?"

"On it!" Audrey grinned before heading out into the living room with Penny running after her feet.


"Woke up this morning

The room was spinning

And I don't remember what I did last night..."

I woke up and looked around the hotel room. The covers were everywhere across the bed due to myself tossing and turning all through my sleep probably. My head pounded and I groaned and rested my head back on my pillow.

Audrey wasn't in the bed, she was most likely taking a shower. We'd played the Fallon show yesterday.

But when did I start to drink last night? Jesus Christ my head was killing me...

"Patrick. Get your ass up now." Pete's voice suddenly filled the room and I looked up to see him standing at the end of the bed with his arms crossed and he looked extremely pissed off.

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