The Smell Of Blood ch.2

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A picture of The Man ^ And sorry for being gone TT^TT

As I stand there shocked by the dogs action, I sink down to my knees ... gently lay my hands against dog. The dog lays there whining, unable to get up. It as if the dog is crying out for help...

I soon realized the position I'm in again and look up to see if I can see that cruel man and to my amazement he seems to have vanished. I then turn my attention back to the dog. As I try to comfort the canine I suddenly remember I have a first aid pack in my bookbag. So I slam down my bookbag as quickly as I can go to find some medicine and bandages, that I packed earlier that day.

*whimpers* the dog now looking at me with sorrowful eyes. To see the pain and see its life flicker in and out of consciousness... it broke my heart in more ways even imaginable.

"It's okay boy, you're going to feel better soon .... you'll make it.." I said tearfully unable to hide my cracking voice.

Finally I find the medicine and bandages. At this point the dog is just lying there ... still but breathing... but it just doesn't have the will to fight against my hand as I try to treat it.

Few minutes later, I'm done applying medicine and bandages to the dog's wound. It begins to lift its head and shift in a position laying down on its stomach. The canine stares at me with its fiery, gold eyes. There was no longer pain or sadness held in those gold eyes, just a blissful curiosity and warmth, that you could get lost in.

The fearus booming sound of thunder shakes me out of trance. I had forgotten that it had been raining through this whole ordeal I had gotten myself into...

"There you go boy. You'll be feeling better soon but we should get out of here before something else happens." I say bluntly. It is not like the dog can clearly understand what I am saying... but somehow I feel as if it does. It's strange ... I feel like I have a connection to it, maybe it's because it took a bullet for me.

I stay there looking at that dog for several minutes thinking of what I should do next to help. When it gets up and sits in front of me. It's fur is almost soaked from the rain. The rain seems to have washed away most blood-stained fur, even the scent of it... though it's still linger through the Forest.


I totally forgot the plot of the story after being gone for so long I know generally how it's supposed to turn out I just don't know if I'm capable of finishing it anymore due to some major issues 😓 but I shall try and hopefully over time I will begin to recover the skills that I have lost. Till next time

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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