I Release You

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Life has been unbearably hard for Alissa after the loss of her mate. Without Patricia its like her life has lost all meaning. She has been left feeling as if there is no reason left to live, nothing worth trying to push past and endure the pain. This feeling is something she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy, and nothing anyone could ever do to her could ever compair to this.

Since the loss of Patricia her outlook on everything has changed, no matter how many lights are turned on the room stays dark, its like the sun never rises and the moon has forsaken her leaving her to be swollowed up by a inky black abyss. She is constantly cold no matter what she does she is filled with this cold numbness that she can't shake. No matter who came to visit she felt alone, and distant. She was constantly filled with heartache, but sadly the aching didnt stop at her heart. Alissa couldn't help but feel trapped, and weighted down by life, she was drowning. And peace couldn't even be found in sleep, because even her dreams were clouded by the sight of her love, and guiding light dieing, leaving her. She was a empty shell of who she once was, with no way to come back, and with every passing day the pain increased.

Alyssa's POV

I wake up for the third time this week screaming in a cold sweat. And I know that as always someone would come in and check on me, I just don't know whose turn it is tonight. It shouldn't really matter I guess, I will put on a fake face and toss and turn the rest of the night after I convince whoever it is that I am fine and they can leave.

I grab Patricia's favorite picture of us and I cradle it in my arms trying to go back to those sweet times knowing it wouldn't work, but I had to try. After a few seconds I threw the picture across the room shattering the frame with hot tears staining my face I yell. "Why can't you see that I can't do this without you!" Before collapsing to my knees.

After gaining my composure I went to grab my photo, before realizing what I had done. I got myself to the wall and let audable sobs out, where the frame was smashed to bits glass shattered everywhere I tried my best to wipe away all the shards of glass and splintered wood off the picture to read my mates words.

My love you're nerver alone,

Oh how wrong she was because I have litterally never felt so alone in my life.

A few minutes later Livy burst into my room and ran to me. "I heard you scream, and then a crash and..." she took my hand "you're bleeding."

"Really I guess I didn't..." I looked down at my bloody hands as images of my Patricia laying limp in my arms her blood covering me, staining my sking and clothes filled my thought and more tears began to fall as a scream escaped my my lips.

Livy cought me in a tight hug as tears streamed down both our faces. A few minutes later Chance burst in almost throwing my door off it's hinges. I wimpered and tried my best to hide myself behind Livy as she stood and growled at Chance. "What are you doing here?"

Her voice was low and threatening, a voice that would make most other wolves wish to submit, but Chance was higher rank and he stood his ground. "I heard screams and crying and came to check it out, I'm suprised the whole pack isn't awake and trying to kick our visitor out. Why are you crying?"

"Chance, stop trying to look after me, I do not need your protection and I can handle myself. Oh and never, I mean never refer to Alissa as our visitor, use her name." You could see Livy's wolf trying to fight its way out, they were both ready to fight for, well over me, and it didn't matter who they had to face. You see she has closed herself off to everyone, everyone except me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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