Two: Ash

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Ash sat silently in his dorm room reading through a book about human culture while the song robbers by 1975 played in the background, he had always been intrigued by the humans ever since he was a young boy. his family didnt share his passion and his mother warned him countless times to stay away from the humans, according to her they didnt understand werewolves and would take him away to be dissected,experimented on and, other horrible things. this of course scared ash but the curiosity still flowed through him, on his sixteenth birthday ash ventured out to the small town that resided at the bottom of the mountain. he learned a lot in that short hour he was down there, this was his secret and some day he hoped to go back. a loud pounding at his door startled ash, growling slightly he reached over and turned up his music trying to drown out the knocking. this was the one reason why he hated being the leader of his pack, it seemed every time he took the chance to try and take a break from everything a pack member was pounding on his door to either inform him that they had another unsuccessful hunt or that another pack member had passed away. last winter a terrible disease had broke out in the camp and had claimed the lives of most of his pack including his mother and old leader, the doctors had found a cure not to long after they had passed. ash was made the pack leader because he was the old leaders apprentice, he had no son or family to pass the title down to. his luna feared the idea of childbirth because of all the pain and agony associated with it and instead of casting her out and finding a new female the old leader respected her wishes due to his love for her. the old leader chose ash as his apprentice when he was only five, at such a young age ash showed exceptional talent and was an amazing hunter. the old leader spent day and night filling ash's mind with the wonder of the forest, and how to be a great leader. At age fifteen ash had led about 50 hunts, 12 attacks nd had even saved the pack from starvation a few winters ago. Ash didnt have a mate sadly because he believed having a female would slow him down, he also wanted a mate who had the same fire as he did. he wanted a female who was strong and independent and who wasn't afraid to take charge in the heat of the moment and not freeze. he wanted a female who wasn't afraid to speak her mind  to him, sadly all the females in his pack were the exact opposite aside from his sister.

" it's rude not to answer the door if its family asshole." a voice snapped as the door swung open, ash looked up to see his sister everglade waltz into the room, he tried to hide the book before she saw it but her distasteful sort told him he was to late.

"i don't know why you waste your time reading that shit, even after all mom told you."

"it's none of your business what i read everglade now what do you want?!" ash demanded his voice booming causing the walls to shake, everglade crossed her arms and rolled her eyes not fearing the fact that he had raised his voice, any other member would immediately apologize for disrupting his work but not everglade. she always made it a point to say how much she found it to be a mistake that he was made leader, she believed she had what it took to be a better leader but ash knew if everglade was given power over the pack she would start a war. everglade despised the blood moon pack, since they had more members they had more land than lotus pack. prey barley passed into their part of the forest and when they did it was never enough to feed everyone, ash tried to bring it up with the council they would always say they were doing the best that they could do.

"who stuck a tree up your ass, look i have good news and bad news and since your in a bad mood i'll just jump to the chase. the good news is an elk wandered onto our grounds and it's enough to feed the all the pack members and have leftovers. the bad news is a blood moon wolf ran through our border." ash felt his blood run cold as he listened to his sisters report, it was good that they had food to get them through the night but, an enemy wolf in his territory sent rage through his body. last time a lotus wolf accidentally wandered into blood moon territory they were killed instantly which ignited a war between the two packs, a war was something they didnt need right now. pinching the bridge of his nose ash exhaled slowly.

"do you know who the wolf was?"

"no, i believe she could be the alpha pack leaders daughter jupiter, that dumb bitch didnt even put up much of a fight either i should have killed her." everglade spat as she reached over and grabbed the cup of whiskey that ash was going to drink while he read his book.

"so she isn't dead...that's good." ash muttered instantly feeling exhausted as if he hadn't slept for ages, as long as the pack leaders daughter wasn't killed then ash could hope that they wouldn't try and start anything. as much as ash wanted to go over right now and make them pay for crossing into his territory ash had to be smart with his decision, he would probably just bring it up with the council and have them deal with it.

" good?! how is that good ash she was an enemy she wandered onto our territory and we have to do something!"

" we can't risk a war right now everglade and you know this, a war would just lead to more death and that is the last thing we need right now!" ash snarled rising out of his seat, he would be damned if he was gonna let everglade walk all over him like she did when they were growing up. he was the leader of this pack and whatever he said goes, it was time she learned that she had to respect what he said. without warning everglade lunged at him shifting into her wolf form, the window smashed as ash was slammed against it causing them to fall from the window. the two fell to the ground rolling and snarling at each other. onlookers stepped back watching the two fight ruthlessly, ash grabbed at everglade's throat and threw her off of him. everglade hit the ground with a thud, back on her feet she rushed at ash who met her  halfway. the two wolves rose to their hind legs, jaws snapping as they fought to bite a weak spot. years of anger was ash's fuel as he rammed his head into everglades jaw causing her to yelp.

" why can't you just let me lead this pack!" ash snarled as everglade ran at him again, ash charged ready to ram her side but everglade was quick and moved to the left causing ash to lose his balance. struggling to get up he was soon pinned down as she grabbed the back of his neck, ash snarled viciously but she held fast to his fur shaking it roughly in her teeth. pain exploded shooting up and down his spine as he tried to get everglade off but her weight was too much, murmurs erupted through the crowd as ash grew exhausted and the pain was becoming too much to bare.

"your not fit to lead this pack any longer ash and as the new leader i hereby banish you from ever returning!" everglade snarled after releasing his fur, ash panted heavily not being able to move. he watched as everglade walked away from him, he wanted to call for a rematch but he had been that she ruled there was no telling what is in store for not only the blood moon pack but the whole forest.

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