
It was a success. Even without the User Interface functioning usually like in the game, they were able to teleport using the ring. That would also mean it would be possible to use items as well. 

As if reading his thoughts, Luka opened her dimentional inventory and tried to grab one particular item inside. Rumaggaging for a while, she finally took out a small vial of a color chaging potion. It was one of those give away potions that lets you change the color of any part of your avatar for a set amount of time. 

Momonga took interest at this as well and waited for Luka to use it. With one gulp and an image in mind, they waited for the results. Luka stuck out her tongue which is now colored in deep sea green.

"Oh, it worked."

So things still do function as it should, like the game without the interface. 

"We can experiment more on that later. You've heard about the Colosseum before, correct?"

Luka furiously nodded at this. Her brother and his guildmates talked about it once but no one would give her any screenshot of the place with the message that 'you can see it for yourself' copy pasted in more than one line sent to her chats. She skipped her steps as she followed her brother towards the entrance, and the moment they were in the center, she couldn't help her excitement any longer. She spread her wings to fly around and gawk at the size of the place.

"It's huge!!" She exclaimed, flying a few rounds around the arena.

Momonga appears to be stoic with his skull face, but he was smiling proudly at the praises Luka is throwing here and there about the colosseum. He scans around looking for the twins as he lets Luka have a little more fun looking around.

'The twin dark elves that Chagama set up should be the guardians here...' Momonga thought to himself. As if on cue, a figure jumped from the elevated platforms of the arena down to where he stood. The person had rushed towards Momonga and welcomed him with a smile.

[Aura Bera Fiora. A dark elf created by Chagama. She has dark skin, pointed ears, golden hair and heterochromia- her left eye being blue and right being green. Her outfit consisted with a red dragon scale leather covered by a white and gold vest with a matching set of white trousers and golden plated shoes. Around her neck is an acorn necklace.]

"Aura" Momonga greeted.

'Now where's the other twin?' He thought.

"Mare! You're being rude to Momonga-sama!" Aura called and turned to the elevated platform she was standing on earlier. Another person had jumped from the said platform and landed rather clumsily on the ground.

[Mare Bero Fiore. The younger dark elf twin of Aura created by Chagama. He has the same features as his sister apart from having his left eye being green and right eye blue. He sported a blue dragon scale leather for his inner clothing and wore a skirt rather than trousers. He sported golden plated boots that reached up just below his knees. Indeed, Chagama has a thing for traps thus the reason behind the creation of the twins.]

As soon as the two had composed themselves in front of Momonga, he called Luka over to introduce her.

"Luka. Come forward." He glanced towards his little sister who is still preoccupied about the structure.

In a few moments Aura and Mare felt a strong gust of wind from behind them. Luka had spread her wings and flew a short distance to where her brother and the two other guardians were standing- earning a somewhat surprised gasp by the twin guardians.

"Aura, Mare. I'd like you to meet my younger sister, Luka." Momonga motioned towards the young hybrid who is currently dusting herself to look presentable towards the two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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