Chapter 1

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You weren't sure whether it was the fact that you were outnumbered or that you were all alone with these freaks. Well, it could have been a little of both mixed with the tickling sensation of excitement that blossomed about your body as you gripped the plastic bag in your hand.

Let's rewind a little, then I can explain things in a way that'd be less confusing...

You weren't from Tokyo, rather you were from an entirely different culture and country. You're first language wasn't Japanese, but you knew it very well...the same can be said about several languages. You moved to Tokyo when you were 16, alone. Well, save for your dog Nigou (whom is a small black and white dog with a curled tail...wanna guess who you named the dog after...?). However, you now had another dog, a Great Dane and German Shepard mix named Nova, and 2 cats, a brown one named Kisho and a white one named Cassieopia.

Now, you were a simple creature of habit...most of the time. Everydays-except weekends- you went to work, although you came in at all different times. You'd work there until your shift was over. If you worked earlier then you'd go to a nearby cafe and eat lunch there, if not you'd work until it was an hour before your shift ended and would just leave early. On your way home from work you'd go get icecream during the summer, hot chocolate during the winter, read in the park under Sakura trees in the spring and sketch during the fall. Occasionally you'd go to the library, or go buy things. You had a strange sense of taste, people would notice. You almost always had a ribbon or bow in your hair, somewhere, you were prone to wear at least one ear bud in your ear at all times as well as the same silver chained necklace that held an incredibly blue stone...-

Ah, you know how I was talking about your strange tastes? Well here's a perfect example...

You walked down the side walk with a new box in your arms. The box was beautifully decorated and in different hues of purple. On your face was a broad smile, obviously you were content that you had been able to receive the box when you bought it.

Now, a box, I know you're thinking that's pretty normal...however look carefully, do you see that wording scrawled on the box? 'Tarot cards'. Yes, you were into tarot cards and just about anything that had to do with psychic abilities and mystical powers that myths of witches contained.

You hurried into your appartment building accidentally brushing shoulders with a man in a lab coat with short hair and continued to your home and put your key into the lock... Only for it to jam...AGAIN.

"Oh come on!!" You whined jiggling the keys as you juggled your box and bag. Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder. You froze and turned your head slightly and sighed. "Hi Celty!" You smiled exhausted She typed

[hi (name), door stuck again?]

You huffed

"yeah...I have to get this thing fixed at some point"

[here, let me try. I was lucky last time remember?]

You smiled and handed the keys over to the woman. For some reason she always wore that weird yellow helmet with cat ears. It was cute so you often wondered if that was why... You see you don't know Celty here is a Dullahan. You think she is simply a strange woman similar to yourself. You had weird tastes and actions that you were aware of and you deemed Celty just odd like yourself. While you were adjusting your bags Celty snuck some of her black magical substance (lol what is that called?!) into the keyhole and door quickly unjamming the door.

The Broker, The Witch and the Bartender?| Izaya x Reader x ShizuoWhere stories live. Discover now