Late Nights

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A Saniwa's job is a hard one. From summoning toudans to managing finances, and everything in between. Their job is to protect history with the help of swords, but protecting history isn't an easy thing. A Saniwa must always make sure that their swords are ready for battle, and all their needs are taken care of, even if it means staying up till 1 am coming up with battle plans. Which is exactly what Saniwa Saki Kobayashi did. It was the middle of winter and Saki was absolutely freezing in her room.

Saki had a white blanket draped over her shivering frame. Her strawberry blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun compared to her usual pigtails. She had yet to change out of her usual furisode, for she had been so busy trying to come up with battle plans that she never bothered to change. Her desk was covered with papers, books, coffee mugs, and an untouched dinner tray. There was crumpled up paper on the floor.

Saki had been trying for hours to come up with better groups for battles. What with the recent increase in swords, Saki needed to know what swords were fit for what battles.

Saki groaned as she put her pencil down. It was late and was past the time the young Saniwa should've gone to bed. Not to mention was past dinner time.

Pushing her chair back, Saki stretched her arms and legs. She was about to go back to work for another hour when she heard a knock.

"Sa-Chan, are you awake?"

Getting up, Saki walked over to the door. She already knew who it was and why.

She opened the door to reveal the sword who was also up late, or rather who had just returned late from an expedition.

"I've returned. Want to hear the stories of my travels?"

Saki would've rather waited until morning for her swords report, but she knew it was better to listen while he still had it all down.

"Come on Tsurumaru. Sorry about the mess." Saki said, letting Tsurumaru come into her room.

The male looked around the room, though his gaze landed on the uneaten dinner.

"Sa-Chan, why haven't you eaten dinner? It's way past dinner time. Have you been waiting for me this whole time?" Tsurumaru asked, smiling softly at his Saniwa.

Taking a seat at her desk, Saki looked at her food. "You could just say I forgot. I was busy with battle plans, and I still have the finances to do tomorrow." She said, leaving out the part that she was also waiting for her beloved sword.

Tsurumaru sighed, walking over to her chair. "Sa-chan, you need to eat and rest. I'll tell you all about the expedition tomorrow, okay?" The white haired pale placed a hand on Saki's shoulder, looking down at her.

Saki sighed, looking up at the crane. "I'll go to sleep now if you stay with me." She said. This earned a chuckle from Tsurumaru.

"Alrighty then, I'll spend the night with you!" He said with a smile.

Getting up, Saki took his hand and led him to her futon. It wasn't the first time the two spelt together. Saki would occasionally ask Tsurumaru to stay with her, sometimes just because she wanted his company. This time it was because she wanted his company, and it was cold.

"Turn around Tsurumaru, I need to change." Saki said, undoing her sash to her furisode. "Yes, yes." Tsurumaru turned around, waiting for the young Saniwa to finish undoing her furisode.

Saki let the robes fall to the floor, leaving Saki in only her undergarments. Pulling on a white long sleeved shirt and a pair of leggings, she let her hair fall out of it's messy bun before walking to her futon. She hadn't bothered picking up her clothes, she was too tired and cold to care.

"Okay you can look now."

Tsurumaru turned around to look at the young saniwa, laying down. Tsurumaru had already changed out of his expedition gear before coming to Saki's room just in case it was another night that she was up late.

Pulling the blanket back, Tsurumaru got under and let Saki get in next to him. Saki laid on her side, back facing Tsurumaru. The white haired male inched forward and wrapped his arms around the smaller girl, nestling his face in her strawberry blonde hair.

"Good night Saki-"

"Tsurumaru I'm hungry" Saki cut him off, turning to face him with a small smile. "Mind getting me some food?"

Tsurumaru chuckled and sat up, giving a nod.

"Anything for you my dear."

Getting up Tsurumaru headed into the kitchen to find something for his saniwa to eat. There wasn't much leftover from dinner, though after some digging in the pantry he found a ramen cup. Deciding that would do, he started some water. Once the water boiled, he poured it into the ramen cup and closed the lid. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks, he took the ramen to Saki, who was curled up under the blankets.

Walking into the saniwa's room, Tsurumaru looked around, a smirk playing at his lips. "Now where could Sa-chan be?" He started looking around the room, the ramen still in his hands. After a few minutes he walked over to the futon. Noticing the lump under the blankets, he nudged it with his foot. This earned a giggle from Saki. "Hmm it seems Sa-chan isn't here. I guess I'll have to eat this ramen myself."

Throwing the covers off of her, Saki looked up at Tsurumaru.

"Surprise!" Saki said with a giggle.

"What a surprise, I could've sworn you had disappeared!" Tsurumaru said with a chuckle. Saki shook her head, sitting up. Her hair was messy from being under the covers, but she didn't mind.

"Nope! Now give me my ramen." Saki said, reaching out for it. "I suppose I'll give it to you." The crane said, handing the cup to the saniwa. Taking it in her hands, she peeled the lid off. Taking the chopsticks, she blew at the ramen a few times before eating it.

It didn't take her long to finish the ramen cup for she'd been quite hungry. Putting the cup on a little table by her futon, she got back under the blankets. A yawn escaped her lips as she scooted closer to Tsurumaru.

"Anything else before we go to sleep my dear?" Tsurumaru asked, wrapping his arms around the girl. Shaking her head, Saki closed her eyes.

"Goodnight Tsurumaru."

"Goodnight Sa-chan"

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God it's been forever since I last wrote something. I've recently gotten into the Touken Ranbu Fandom and I decided I'd write something for it. I've got another fanfiction involving Mutsunokami x Horikawa on the way.

I have Writing requests open but only for touken Ranbu. If you want something written, comment with a ship and I prompt. I can't guarantee that I'll write it, nor the time, but I'll try.

Late Nights | Saniwa x TsurumaruWhere stories live. Discover now