Chapter 1: Bewitched

Start from the beginning

Lady Granger frowned, "And if we had a betrothal contract drawn up with someone in the peerage already?"

Professor McGonagall looked grim, "I'm not sure you understand Countess Granger. Muggleborns are so rare, that to keep one out of the wizarding world would be considered an act of war. If you chose to keep Lady Hermione out of the wizarding world, you could not do so and stay in Britain. Our government would track her down and bring her into our world without the benefit of Lady Hermione being able to still see her Muggle family."

"You mean they'd take her from us? You would take our daughter away?" Lady Granger sounded both incensed and horrified by the prospect.

"If it came to that," Professor McGonagall said. "There is much about wizarding culture that you don't know and more than I could hope to impart in an afternoon. Suffice to say, wars have been fought over Muggleborns in the past. And they will continue to do so. Just as wars have been fought over other precious items in the world. Trading routes, gold, goods..."

Hermione watched the back and forth between her mother and Professor McGonagall and was equal parts fascinated and horrified.


Lady Granger seemed to remember that Hermione was in the room with them and turned to her daughter.

"I don't want a war to be fought over me. Nor do I want to lose you and Father. I think it would be best to send me to this Hogwarts and go along with Professor McGonagall's plan. There was a liaison, correct?"

"Yes, my dear," Professor McGonagall smiled at her. "You've been assigned Lord Arthur Weasley as your liaison. He's a good friend of mine and a good man. He also has a son your age."

Hermione smiled at the professor, then said to her Mother, "See? I think this will be alright. Besides, there isn't a betrothal contract for me. I'll hardly be missed when it's my turn to come out. And this way, I don't lose you."

Lady Granger reached her hand out and Hermione grasped it.

"Always so logical, love," Lady Granger murmured and squeezed Hermione's hand.

"I'll need to discuss it with The Earl, of course," Lady Granger said. "But I don't see why Hermione couldn't attend this school."

"It really will be for the best. As witches age and their bodies change, their magic becomes less stable. Having her in a school and learning how to use her magic and stabilize it will be best for everyone."

Lady Granger just nodded. Professor McGonagall made to take her leave, promising to bring Lord Weasley with her next week. They would be getting a few lessons on the magical world with Lord Weasley and then he and Professor McGonagall would take them shopping. Apparently, wizards had their own shopping district in London. Hermione hadn't spent much time in London and was exceedingly excited that she was going to get to go in a few weeks time. They'd even get to stay in the London townhouse! Hermione hadn't been there since she was a very small child, her parents deciding they'd prefer to raise her in the country. But now, she wondered if it had more to do with her magic than anything else.


Lord Ronald Weasley turned out to be a bit uncouth for Hermione's tastes, but his father, Lord Weasley was delightful. Although, maybe only because of Lord Weasley's absolute glee with all things Muggle. Hermione felt her lips turn up at the word, Muggle. She wasn't a Muggle, like her parents. No, she was a witch. A thrill ran through her when she thought about the wand, which was safely tucked away in her trunk. The carriage she was currently riding in consisted of her, Lord Ronald Weasley, Lord Harry Potter, and Lord Weasley. Lord Weasley had made introductions immediately, so Hermione knew she had permission to speak with the boys. It felt strange to be sharing a carriage and not having at least her maid with her.

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