Start from the beginning

Hermione was entirely dumbfounded, she had large fluffy whitish grey paws, she had purred earlier, she had extreme grace when running and climbing and she had just let an amused snort. The bright witch immediately knew she was a feline of some sort but to which she was still did not know. The small girl looked back to Sirius with curiosity jumping around in that fabulous mind of hers. Hermione lowered her head to look at her body, on which was fluffy grey fur with little black spots dotted around. Hermione could tell she was the rare snow Leopard, she remembered learning about it when she was young in primary school.

The snow leopard or ounce is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. It is listed as vulnerable for being extremely endangered due to humans hunting them down for their exquisite fur coats. The Snow Leopard's fur is whitish to grey with black spots on head and neck, but larger rosettes on the back,sides and bushy tail. The belly is whitish. It's body is stocky,short legged and slightly smaller than other big cats. It's eyes are pale green or grey in colour.

Hermione cursed herself for even remembering all this, but remembered that she had to have a test on it when she was young. Even though now the information was quite useful considering her animagus form, she still didn't know to why she had formed into this shy yet mesmeric creature. Sirius stared at her in amusement, even though she was a large cat that would be able to tear him apart if he was man or dog, he could still see it was most definitely Hermione Jean Granger the bright young witch who helped him from being sent back to Azkaban. The leopard just sat there lost in thoughts almost contemplating to why it was what it was, the snort it gave to being frustrated made it almost human with its mannerisms, the leopard then proceeded to strut back and forth in deep thought, with just a black dog sitting there staring at the large feline. Hermione looked back at Sirius deciding to drop the topic to why she was a Snow Leopard rather than an otter. She smiled at the dog and pointed her head to woods, she then ran off once more leaving the dog.

Hermione focused back to running rather than the joyful and puzzling memory of her first shift. Mione closed her eyes briefly the feeling of cold icy wind hitting her face but not phasing her was truly amazing. She opened her big subtle green eyes which immediately focused to a large tree directly in front of her, her eyes widened and she got out of the trees way before colliding headfirst into the large redwood. Her paws made her way to an opening of the lake, she trotted toward the dark water seeing the moons reflection gently move to the soft current of the lake. The large cat dipped her head, her tongue lapping up at the water in the peaceful silence.

The rustle of a bush beside the girl unsettled her terribly, her large head snapped toward the bush just to see large violet glowing eyes staring at her. Hermione just stood there silent not moving, even though she had not seen the creature with the exception for its eyes, she knew it was dangerous. The creature still looked at her in interest, but after her not moving the large creature huffed and got out the bush and made its way beside Hermione and begun lapping at the fresh lake water. Hermione just stared, it was a large Werewolf, in which was obvious by the way he was not fully wolf yet not fully man. The girl studied the Weres appearance, he did not look like Remus from that brief moment she remembered him transforming in third year. The lone Were was white all over, and despite being out all night he was not dirty at all. Hermione took in the scent of the creature,the creature strongly smelt of Were but underneath hiding was the smell sandalwood and roses. The creatures aura reeked of confidence and power, Hermione could tell the man underneath the dangerous creature was powerful but reserved in what he does. The Werewolf turned its head at the girl and growled loud obviously not liking being observed while drinking. Hermione shrunk down her ears flattened, the girl knew if she didn't show submission the lone Were would kill her. The creature just snorted and nudged her head up, hermione's rounded ears instantly perked up but she still stayed low, she had to he was the dominant one here.The wild werewolf gently bowed, Hermione recognised this as him offering to play remembering from when her cousins Labrador used to do it all the time when playing fetch. Hermione was not a wolf in the slightest, but the creature did not seem to mind. Hermione mirrored the lone Were and accepted by running off, the creature following behind her.

Hermione was tackled almost instantly in play, the girl rolled as she was directly under the large white creature. The girl swatted her large paw over the short snout of the Were, it growled and playfully bit her paw but not so his fangs sank into her flesh. The large feline shuffled and wiggled out of the Weres grip, it turned and jumped around happily. They both ran off into the night playfully fighting. The girl hid waiting after running away for the wild creature to appear and find her again. Once the colour of white appeared Hermione pounced onto the back of the werewolf, where it roughly threw her off to which she hit a tree. The girl let out a yelp of pain, which was more of a roar of pain in her animagus for. The werewolf instantly growled, she knew she had angered the creature and she knew she was most likely going to die. Hermione closed her eyes waiting to be torn apart by the large creature. Her paw was in the air because of the pain when she broke her wrist after being thrown like a mere dishrag. The girl yelped once more as she felt large fangs sing into her wrist, the pain was unbearable, to feel the venom of the Were surge through her body was hot and itchy. The bushy haired witch roared in her feline form, her blood itched from the Lycans venom. It wasn't the bite that hurt she now knew, it was the poison that made the person go mad. But after a minute the feeling disappeared. Hermione slumped against the tree roughly looking at the large Were lick her fluffy wrist free of blood. Why had she not been torn apart?The were looked up at her, his eyes glowing, she could see regret swimming but also...love? She stared into his eyes not wanting break free, this Werewolf seemed so much more civilised than others, like he was still himself...almost. Hermione couldn't take it anymore she looked away and put her large head on the one alright paw, her eyes looked up to the sky seeing the bright moon shine down on her. Her body couldn't take it she had to rest, she looked once more into the eyes of the Were before the feeling snuck up on her. The achiness hit her and she had to rest, she snuggled up against the tree still feeling the lone Were lick her wrist. Hermione heard one more thing before she finally slept, the sound of a deep howl running in the distance.

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