Before it all began pt 1

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Rome, Italy
Jeremiah's P.O.V

I Listen to my father as he rant about how our ancestors built this empire that now he rules. He tells me a story on how they drove out the original inhabitants, dark people, and how they were forced to move to Africa around 10,000 B.C.

I fear for my father, fear that he is driven mad with power and wealth, fear that one day someone might over throw him, destroy the empire that our ancestors built.

I've always had dreams about other people coming to our home, destroying everything, I told my father about those dreams yet he does not listen, and insited that our empire is so strong and will not fall if ever a war breakes out. Especially from our enemy kingdom in Volterra.
Both our kingdoms have never found peace, no war broke out but still that hasn't stopped both royal familes from envying eachother.

I wasn't aware that I was deep into my thoughts until I hear my father call out my name.
"Jeremiah! Are you listening?" My father asked. I nod in response.
"Where was I? oh yes, And that is how our family got to create this very empire" My father proudly ended his back story.

"Father, may I be excused?" I asked.
"You may go" He calmly said.
I excited the dinning hall and went straight to the field where my cousin lives, he works as a farmer, he does not get to live in the palace since he is not related to the royal side of the family. But that does not stop me from befriending him and making him my companion.

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