Accidental Kiss

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This was requested by Lovely2Dovey so go check her out! She's amazing!

It was just a normal day for the questers. They walked, then they rested, then they walked and on and on. Walking and resting, that's it. Nothing interesting... Until...
"Hey Bendy bro? Do you think you can come over here?" Boris called out to his big brother. Bendy looked over from where he sat with Mr. Felix.

"Excuse me, Mr. Felix," He stood up and walked over to Boris. "Yeah, bro?"

As Bendy and Boris looked over the map, Cuphead was walking past them. Jackpot tried to tackle his foot, and since Cups tried to avoid hurting "his cat" he tripped and fell over. He closed his eyes for a second and felt something pressed against his lips. His eyes shot open and saw Bendy very, very close. Then he realized: him and Bendy were kissing! He quickly pulled back and wiped his mouth off, "Ew!" Him and Bendy said in sync. Mugman and Boris burst out into laughter and soon Felix joined in. Bendy and Cuphead split up, pretending like they didn't like it, when in reality, they wished it had lasted longer.

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