"Probably all day. Were all trying to find a house that's already furnished" David answered slinging him arm around my shoulder.

"You look gorgeous by the way" he said winking at me and I blushed. "Thanks Curly" I said kissing his cheek. Neymar rolled his eyes and walked ahead of us.

"I know you like Neymar, he's getting jealous so he obviously likes you but doesn't want to tell you. But he will by the end of the day" David whispered in my ear right before we got in the car.

"You're genius"


"So this is the first house that me and you are looking at Bris" Neymar said rudely, staring at David when he said me and you.

David looked at me when Neymar turned around and I stifled a giggle. "Stop we're just gonna piss him off" I whispered to David.

"No, it's working" he whispered back. "Don't blame me if you get punched by the end of today" I whispered back shaking my head.

"Hey, my name is Melissa. I'll be showing you four furnished house on this street" she said opening the door to the first house.

"This house has a gym, game room, and five bedrooms. It also has seven bathrooms, all have showers and a beautiful large backyard. Would you like to look around?" She said as we stood in the main room.

"I want a pool" I whispered, bringing my lips close to Neymar's ear causing him to shiver. "I- uh. Is there a pool?" He asked stuttering a little. "Sadly, there is not" she said politely.

"There's a house two doors down that has a pool. And it's next on out list. Would you like to continue looking at this one or move on?"

"Move on" me and Ney said simultaneously. "Awe Bris you gotta help us pick out our house too" David said winking at me.

"Keep playing along, it's pissing him off. And giggle before I stop talking" David said. I couldn't help but giggle because his curls were tickling my neck.

Neymar huffed and pulled me from David's side. "Come on, we have a house to buy" he mumbled intwining our hands. I blushed and butterflies took off in my stomach.

I looked back and David and he gave me the 'told you so' look and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Neymar?" I said quietly so the other boys wouldn't here. "You look amazing today" I smiled squeezing his hand. "Thank you" he said smiling at me.

"Okay next house, let's go in side shall we?" Melissa said chirpily before leading us inside the huge structure. I instantly didn't like it because of the colors. Almost everything was red, black, white or silver.

I scrunched up my nose and looked at Neymar. He didn't seem to like it either. "This house is very very modern. There's a pool, game room, four bedrooms and six bathrooms. There's no gym" she said.

"Do you want to keep looking at this one?" I whispered to Neymar as she led us through the house. "Well David and Marcelo seem to like it" he whispered and I looked back at them.

"Are any of you interested?" She asked once we finished the tour. "We are" David said and Marcelo nodded. "I thought you guys were waiting on Oscar?" I said confused.

"He's on his way. He just texted me" David answered. I nodded and Neymar pulled me over to a couch. "We have one more house to look at meu amor" he said into my ear before pressing a kiss to my temple.

I blushed at his words and nodded.

"Hey I'm here, it looks nice so far" Oscar said coming in the front door. The lady took them on the tour again and me and Neymar fooled around and talked.

treasure it// neymar jr(DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora