02. A Shocking Surprise

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(Yaoyorozu POV.)

The hot water rushes over me, I scrub off all the dirt and dried blood I didn't know was coating my body. Today was definitely a hard day. Rescue work always takes it out of me since I have to use my quirk so much, making braces to prop up buildings, creating bandages, crutches, and many other medical supplies... I'm so glad that this attack wasn't as bad as it could have been.

I finish up my shower and get out. I dry off and change into a clean pair of warm clothes I brought with me since it's nearly winter now. I leave the showers and head back to the office to grab my purse that I had left in there. On my way I spot Jirou and Kaminari coming out of the elevator at the end of the long hallway.

"Hey! Momo!" Jirou shouts as she sees me.

I wait by my office door as I see her running over to me. "Good evening Jirou," I politely greet.

"So hey, I saw that monster attack on the news. It said that no one was injured badly and all the Heroes took it down in like twenty minutes," she says as she reaches me.

I open my office door and step inside, turning on the lights. "Yeah. Shouto and Bakugou kept it busy in a large evacuated area until Midoriya came to finish it off," I tell her.

She follows me in and leans in the doorway with her arms crossed. "Damn I wish I coulda been there to help out. Denki and I got caught up across town with some car jackers."

I locate my purse on my desk chair and pick it up, slinging it over my shoulder. "There were more than enough Pros on rescue and evacuation, and Shouto and Bakugou did a great job at keeping it contained," I reassure her.

"Regardless I'd liked to have had a shot at that thing," Kaminari says as he leans against the other side of the doorframe. "A giant rampaging monster! That stuff only happens in movies!" he exclaims.

Jirou elbows him and we all exit my office. I shut the lights off and close and lock the door. "A giant monster isn't something to be excited about Denki," she scolds him.

"What? No one got killed by it and it was kind of cool. It was like godzilla came to life but then got it's ass kicked by Todoroki, Ground Zero, and Deku!" he laughs.

Jirou rolls her eyes and crosses her arms again. "Just don't say any of that near the press, or in public in general."

I chuckle slightly at their unique chemistry. "Alright well I've got to be going," I say as I start to walk away.

"You're leaving already? Where's Todoroki?" Jirou asks.

"He went home already. He's making dinner tonight," I reply.

"Sounds nice. Wish Jamming Way over here would cook every now and then."

"Hey, I tried. And last time I did we had to remodel the entire kitchen," Kaminari replies. "I'll give it a go again if you're nearby with the fire extinguisher this time."

I hear them start to bicker back and forth as I make my way to the elevator. "Anyway," I hear Jirou say loudly to me, so I turn to face her. "We're still on for drinks this Saturday right?"

I grin and nod. "Yes. Shouto and I will meet you there after work," I reply.

The elevator comes and I step inside. I wave goodbye to Jirou and Kaminari as the doors close. I press the button and lean against the wall as my stomach grumbles and starts to ache. "I hope Shouto is done cooking by the time I get home. I'm starving," I mumble to myself.

(Todoroki POV.)

I wish I could have made sukiyaki like I wanted.. When I got home I found out we didn't have any fresh ingredients... I had to run to the store and buy everything I needed for dinner, and more. I basically did a week's worth of grocery shopping... By the time I was done I wouldn't have had enough time to make the sukiyaki so I settled for some beef yakisoba.

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