Steve rolls his eyes. "You're a jerk, you know that?"

Bucky just grins and places a chaste kiss on Steve's lips. "My arm," Bucky mumbles. "I'd get it to cover up the scars."

Steve pushes the hair out of Bucky's face, holding his cheek in his hand. "I ever tell you I love you?"

"Only a couple of hundred times. A day."

"Shut up and kiss me."


"Falcon, do you have eyes on the jewel?" Cap demands into his comms, running towards the edge of the boat.

"Lost track of it," Sam groans.

Bucky jumps from the third story balcony and lands a few feet from Steve. They run side-by-side toward the stern of the boat. "Some kid jumped off the side with it. He's swimming to a lifeboat."

"Dammit," Steve grumbles. "He gets away with this and we're screwed."

"What does it do?" Bucky huffs.

"It's a power source. It could power all of New York-" Steve says. "Iron Man, do we have control of those missiles yet?"

"Wouldn't I have told you?" Tony's voice snaps over the comms.

"Just figure it out, Stark," Steve huffs. "Vision and Scarlet Witch, help him out. Hawkeye, Black Widow, do we have the boat secured?"

"Boat's ours again," Clint says. "But we need that rock to get it back up and running."

They reached the edge of the boat, the railing pressing against their stomachs. "Do you see him?" Steve asks.

"No, do you?" Bucky growls.

Steve sighs, squinting to look over the horizon. It was dark out and the rough, freezing waters were hard to see in. "He's gotta be here somewhere," Steve mumbles.

"Missiles are taken care of," Rhodey says over the comms. "Heading back."

Bucky squeezes Steve's shoulder as he covers his communications device. "C'mon, Stevie. You've just got to think it through," he whispers.

"I kno- There!" Steve points to the bobbing lifeboat and a figure swimming towards it. He drops his shield and rips off his helmet. "I'm going in," Steve announces.

"Steve, hang on," Bucky tries, reaching out for the back of Steve's uniform.

"Rogers, you can't-" Sam starts.

Steve jumps off the railing, diving into the water. He swims toward perp as fast as he can, pushing through the currents. The icy water prickles at his skin, but Steve can't focus on that right now. They need that jewel. They need to stop him.

"Tony, you need to get Steve," Bucky says over the comms, his voice an octave higher. "Please, he can't be in the-"

Steve snatches the man by his collar, dragging him to the raft. He hoists himself up, then the perp who was too tired to fight Steve. Steve ties up the man's hands and takes the jewel from him.

"I'm on it," Tony says. The Iron-Man suit zooms past the boat and hovers over the raft. Steve shoves the man into the suit's arms. "Cap, c'mon." Tony adjusts the man in his arm and reaches for Steve.

"Go," Steve gasps, his chest heaving. "Get him back."

Tony hits the button to lift the face plate. "Dude, you alright?"

Steve's shaking, but he glares at Tony. "Get. Him. Back. Now," Steve growls through shaking teeth.

The Iron Man suit flies back to the boat and drops the perp off. He drops down by Bucky and flips his plate back up. "Alright, what's with Rogers?"

Till the End of the Line: Our Now | Stucky FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora