The Seven Pilgrims.

Start from the beginning

Azami stopped in front of what appeared to be an old shack-like mansion, the wood out front looked old and peeling. It had the traditional design of an old Japanese building. The dorm itself looked out of place sitting in between the two massive sky scrapers next door.

"You're joking.." said Laura. "Right?"

"Sorry about the outside look." said Azami. "But our resident yokai gaurdians like the whole haunted house look, some of them are very old and reminds them of how they used to go around frightening unsuspecting people. Cho, our head gaurdian really loves Halloween."

As if on cue, a lifeless traditional orange japanese paper lantern out front suddenly coughed to life, it's entire body lighting up from the candle flame within it. It floated off the the hanger over the front door, and opened it's large one eye and mouth.

"Did somebody say my name!?" said Cho. "Cause if so..I'm ready to set fire to whatever low life salesman desides to come knocking on- Oh! Azami! Didn't know it was you!"

"This is Cho..the head supervisor of the Shinjuku dorm." said Azami. "All the dorms are pretty much run by Tsukumogami yokai like him."

"Oho!" said Cho. "A new student!!! Come out my glorious staff!! We have a new resident to greet!!"

Immediately, Tsukumogami  of all kind started coming out of the windows and doors. There were rags with eyes, a television with four stumpy legs, a few living brooms, one Umbrella which hopped out on one leg, it's one eye peering all about, multiple bowls and plates all with their own legs and eyes too and one refrigerator who lugged himself out the door, his beady eyes looking rather expressionless.

There was cheerful chatter that came from the crowd of living objects, all of them bidding welcome to Laura and her familiars.

"S-so many Tsukumogami!" said Laura. "It must have taken a lot of human emotion and a lack of living objects to create this many."

"Oh actually, many of these Tsukumogami have been around since ancient Japan. "said Azami cheerfully. "While some others like Telly and Aisu over here." Azami nodded at the television and refrigerator. "Have only been around for around 3 years max."

"I am the oldest of all the Tsukumogami ever to work at the academy." said Cho. "You see, it's the best way we're able to help Yokai Hunters, especially considering we aren't the kind of Yokai who are suitable to becoming Yokai Hunters in the first place. We Tsukumogami are extremely weak if we're not in large numbers. Though, I'll admit, if I come across stupid tresspassers or salesmen, I'll let a little of my lantern fire burn em till they run off screaming!"

"The Tsukumogami are also the heads of dorm security." said Azami. "They're even better then a home security system."

"Yeah.." muttered Laura. "I can imagine." Laura pictured a thief breaking into a house only to be attacked by all the furniture.

"Yuki has always wanted to get a Tsukumogami to assist with housework." said Yuki. "But many Tsukumogami these days only take very high pay."

"Well I would imagine so." said Cho. "We're much more convenient then human housekeepers. Not only can we basically store ourselves everywhere, but we can endure any task without tiring out due to our unique bodies...though please remember, we do have our limits."

"Well that's enough standing around." said Azami. "Come on, I'll show you the inside."

After looking at the outside of the dorm, Laura wasn't feeling too thrilled about seeing the inside. However, the moment she walked in her jaw dropped. It was a fancy freaking mansion in here!!

Not only was the inside way larger then the outside, with it's towering roman style columns and it's balconies and marble walls and floors and plush red carpets and furniture. But it even had a large steaming pool in the center of the room where other youths in bathing suits could already be seen relaxing in while those getting out were immediately dried by towel Tsukumogami.

Chain Yokai: Book 1. The HunterWhere stories live. Discover now