4th Miraculous Secretion

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Secretion 4

JusticeBy: I Write Big

Homework had a peculiar place in Marinette's life. Most children her age dread doing their school assignments, preferring to spend their time having fun or going to the movies or doing drugs. While Marinette was not against the occasional alcoholic binge, she was also of the strong opinion that she had more than enough fun in her life. The calm, almost banal, activity of homework was a welcome sanctuary from the daily insanity.

"An essay on who inspires me and why? Hmm..." Marinette scratched her head with her freshly sharpened pencil and gazed down at the blank pages. She looked to the Kwami perched on her computer, "Do you think inspiring fear counts, Tikki?"

"I'm flattered, but no," Tikki shrugged, completely disinterested.

"Hopelessness?" suggested Marinette as she thought of her dad's re-imprisonment.


"Ooh! Despair? Inevitability? Depression?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Tikki waved her nubs to make Marinette stop, "Not that I care, but you're clearly approaching this wrong. Your teacher wants to hear about who inspires you in a positive way."

Marinette blinked a couple times at the idea, "Oh! You mean like Adrien!"

"That is not positive! That is a false idol you built on a fantasy!" The Kwami shuddered at the newest addition to the Adrien shrine: a full body mannequin that was dressed to resemble the boy. The hair was made from actual clippings Marinette had snipped off the back of Adrien's head during class. She knew this was only a couple steps away from the skinsuit stage. That was not something Tikki wanted to deal with. "And the more you build that fantasy, the more disappointed you'll be with the reality!"

Marinette sighed heavily, "Tikki, if there's one thing life has taught me, it's that I have zero control over my reality. I mean, name a single time when I or somebody else did something that positively affected my life!"

The trapdoor was thrust open by Sabine, "Marinette! We got to get to the courthouse!"

Marinette slapped Tikki into her purse, "Wh-What? Why?"

"There's no time to explain!" She shoved her daughter down the stairs, "Something positive is affecting our lives!"

Later at the courthouse:

The judge scratched his chin as the parole officer with red glowing robotic eyes continued, "And as you can see, Your Honor, I am perfectly healthy, alive, and most definitely human. I simply misplaced myself these last several weeks."

The judge nodded in acknowledgement of the facts presented, "We're all glad to see you again, Officer. In regards to your assigned felon Mr. Dupain...?"

"Based upon my time with Mr. Dupain," the Officer mechanically motioned to the baker in handcuffs, "I have concluded that he is an upright citizen who does not present any danger to society. It is my recommendation that he be released immediately."

"Your recommendation is noted, Officer, and will be considered in Mr. Dupain's next appeal—" A bolt of electricity shot from the parole officer's hand and ZAPPED into the judge's skull! Immediately, the judge's eyes were replaced with robotic red ones! "I drop all charges!" the judge beeped as he banged his gavel.

Righteous applause erupted from the citizens watching! The bailiff unlocked Mr. Dupain's cuffs and Mrs. Cheng hugged him tenderly! It was over! He was free!

Marinette hid behind her seat, shaking at the sight of the still glowing red robotic eyes both the parole officer and the judge shared. The officer turned and stiffly walked to her, a plastic smile permanently ingrained into its cheeks.

"Salutations, Miss Dupain-Cheng," it greeted.

The revelation nearly gave Marinette a heart attack, "D...D...D—"

"Officer DB-M-9K 3.0, at your service." The abomination's arms creaked and its joints cracked as it tipped its hat at the girl. "Fear not. With my collected knowledge and new mode of transportation, I shall be bringing the Universe in for questioning in due time. Especially with my new influence upgrade."

The forever robotosized judge jerkily banged his gavel, "Case dismissed. Initiate program LunchBreak dot exe."

"Justice shall be served, Miss," it promised Marinette. "The Universe has much to fear from me."


...beep boo-boo-bop boo-boo-beep...

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