Interview with WinterRaineeDay

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Question 1: So you're known as one of the writers who had been giving us mixed emotions by your stories filled with feels, it's beautiful how you come up with amazing plots, can you tell us what/who inspires you to write? 

WinterRaineeDay:  Am I o.o? LMAO! Either way, I'm glad that most know me that way.

The things that actually inspire me to write are from a Japanese series 'One Liter of Tears' . Ya guys know that series right? I bawled each time I watched it. I must admit that some ideas came from that series but also the way I lived my life. I had a hard time in living after I left home. It wasn't pretty, so I used parts of my experience in the story and I wasn't not a healthy person when I was a child even now, so most readers would find the word - Illness in most of the books I wrote.

For the plots, it came from variety of references. Most of the time, it's the song that leads the story.

It's like 'How I want to fit this song in?' and ideas will just flow from there and walaa, the plot and whole chapter is there.

*Frowned* I'm still not happy with the plots though, some may think it's too cheesy or too common or something. Perhaps, one day, I'll make a better story with no such nonsense in it *LAUGHS!*

Question 2: How are you able to manage your time in being a part-time writer here in wattpad, and in your life as a college student? It must be pretty hard since we know you're going to graduate next year. :)

WinterRaineeDay:  *Scratches head as I sweat dropped* Hmm... hard question o.o

I'm a business management student so we were taught of how to manage a lot of things, from time to things to our personal life. It ain't easy but can't really complain about it.

My daily schedule's pretty simple compare to my classmates, in the morning until late afternoon I spent it on studies/assignments.

In the evening , I would put away all those books for my own hobbies and personal time, such as lurking around Wattpad or stalking my adorable kouhais or even watch the animes <3 or when the mood and weather is right for me, I'll even fit in a chapter or two. Most of the time, I wrote chapters when I'm in class on my tablet or I simply jolt the ideas down somewhere on my notes and write them when I get back to the dorm.

I'll always make sure to fit these in, no matter how busy I've gotten. It's important to keep myself sane especially with the assignments pilling up behind me. As a student, one shouldn't drown themselves in studies too much or they'll lose it. Stresses can do a lot of things to you.

To be honest, I don't want to graduate. Graduate means life responsibilities will come to you, which means you'll have to grow up from what you're doing right now.

*Sigh* But i guess everyone has to go through that phase sooner or later.


Question 3: Despite being a writer, you are also a reader; can you tell us what type of stories catch your attention? Is there something particular that you always look for?

WinterRaineeDay:  Let see, I often look for slice of life genre but also I don't overlook comedies too. I love laughing. It's the best medicine out there to keep you sane! (Hmm other than music of course)

The first book that took my attention was Betrayal in its Simplest Form, an AkaKuro book. It was perfect. It has everything in it and you couldn't help but to smile at the ending.

While the second book that made me laugh was that book you wrote the one with Nijimura in it, House Full of Miracles! Yes, that one. (I'm still waiting for next update by the way)

*Glares at you*

I love stories where it’s not too ridiculous to read.

I can overlook grammars and stuff since most writers don't have perfect grammars but what i can't overlook is that when the writer destroys a character personality! It's fine if you want to make it OOC but please I beg you, don't destroy 100 percent of their personality T-T

Other than that, I always give it a shot when there's a new book posted up on the list. However, given the time I have, I often look for books that have a LOT of chapters so i can read them every now and then during my spare time. (Like the ones you wrote, RPJ) but don't be afraid of recommending me more books to read :)

Question 4: How does it feel to be famous and be called 'Senpai' by most of us here? :D

WinterRaineeDay:  *LAUGHS!* Famous? No, I don't think so.

A year ago, my profile was a graveyard. I don't chat or anything to anyone including my readers. However, things changed this year when everyone began to approach me. They showed me that, there are friendly writers/readers here. My circle of friends began to expand after that. Which I'm grateful and to be called 'Senpai' *Scratches head again* I feel old... *Laughed*

To be honest, I'm proud to be the 'Senpai' for most kouhais here. They made me proud with their achievements here and real life despite we're only connected through internet.

Here's a secret though, I didn't expect to be looked up by them, when I'm the one who looked up to them for the first time I came to wattpad including you.  :)

Bu-But you’re still my senpai! Okay, last question :D Question 5: If you were to write a new story, what would the plot revolve around?

WinterRaineeDay: Hmm...if I were to write a new would be another story revolves Aomine and his adopted daughter, from Frozen Melody. I have several chapters ready to be posted but I never got around to do it because I'm not confident enough if anyone would want to read it.

The summary pretty simple - The life of Aomine Daiki with his growing up teenage daughter, Aomine Tsukiko. How his daughter copped up a life without a mother and how Aomine copped up with his life without Tetsuki as he grows older. 

Genre would be on the slice of life and comedy side though. I'm trying to give it a try to be outside the angst line LOL.

Your readers would be delighted to see this! :D To end this interview, what would you like to say to your fans?

WinterRaineeDay:  Hmm ...I'm so not good at this but ...

*Bows* Thank you so much for reading my books or even look up to my profile for the books. I can't thank you ya guys for each support ya gave but I can guarantee you, I won't stop writing and make you cry an ocean *Looks away* even when I get much older than this *frowns at reality*

Thank you again <3

And there we have it! An interview from our beloved, WinterRaineeDay-san! Thank you so much for letting us interview and we wish you the best of luck in you and your stories! Also, behalf of your fans, I hereby send you or love for you! <3 <3 Thank you again!

Kuroko no Basuke Magazine: Issue #1Where stories live. Discover now